Christopher Castle
The Lawrence County Sheriff Department arrested Christopher Castle on Jan. 22, 2025 in Lawrence County KY. Castle was charged with Flagrant non support warrant.

Ronald Ward
The Lawrence County Sheriff Department arrested Ronald Ward on Jan. 01/23/25. Charges: Served Bench Warrant

Cody Maynard
The Lawrence County Sheriff Department arrested Cody Maynard on Jan. 23, 2025. Charges: Indictment warrant served.

Travis Hylton
The Lawrence County Sheriff Department arrested Travis Hylton on Jan. 25, 2025. Charges: Burglary 3rd Degree. Serving indictment warrant.

Shane Shannon
The Lawrence County Sheriff Department arrested Shane Shannon on Jan. 25, 2025. Charges: 1. Operating motor vehicle U/INFL Substance 1st offense. 2. Prescription Controlled Substance Not proper container.
On the above date I responded to Valero Gas Station. The worker called 911 and stated there was a male in the store that was intoxicated. They stated the male Shane Shannon was walking down isles and was reaching out and grabbing invisible items. They also advised he was sweeping the floor with his hands. While in route I was advised the male left in a vehicle and they gave the description. I stopped the vehicle on Highway 23 about a mile past Meade’s Branch. Upon contact with the driver his eyes were very glossed over and as he spoke with me his eyes would droop. When I had the driver exit the vehicle he had to use the vehicle for balance. I conducted SFST and the results are below. Shannon showed clues on lack of convergence on both eyes. With all the clues we observed I made the decision that it was not safe for Shannon to operate his vehicle. While searching the vehicle I found several medications not in their proper containers. Also in the vehicle was methadone that was prescribed to him. Shannon also did advise me that he had a prior DDUI in WV around 6 or 7 years ago. Horizontal gaze nystagmus tests indicate: Operator showed equal pupil size; and equal tracking. Operator did not show resting nystagmus. Officer observed lack of smooth pursuit in both left and right eyes. Operator showed 2 of 6 clue on HGN. Walk and turn tests indicate: Operator could not maintain balance during the instructions; and used arms to balance. Operator showed 2 of 8 clues on the WAT. One leg stand tests indicate: Operator put foot down; used arms to balance; and swayed. Operator showed 3 of 4 clues on the OLS.

Shonda Osbourne
The Lawrence County Sheriff Department arrested Shonda Osbourne on Jan. 27, 2025. Charges: 1. Assault 1st Degree. 2. Wanton Endangerment-1st Degree. Serving bench warrant.

James Aurthur Mullet
The Lawrence County Sheriff Department arrested James Aurthur Mullett on Jan. 29, 2025. He is charged with probation violation (For Felony Offense). Serving indictment warrant. Charges: 1. Possession of controlled substance 1st degree, 1st offense (methamphetamine). 2. Buy/Sell Drug Paraphernalia.
On the above date and time the LCSO received a call in reference to a male and female subject at 76 See Chapel Rd attempting to break into the residence. The caller reported that the female’s name was Brandie and the male subject stated that his name was Jason. I observed the subject’s walking towards the bridge on KY-3S and when I make contact with them I identified the male subject as James Mullett. The female was identified as Brandie Hale. They stated that they were trying to see if the resident of 76 See Chapel Rd was home because he owed them money. They stated that they never made entry into the residence. I had prior knowledge that James Mullett had an active warrant for his arrest, so he was placed under arrest. Search incident to arrest yielded one syringe and an aluminum foil pack containing a crystalline substance believed to be methamphetamine.

Brandie Hale
The Lawrence County Sheriff Department arrested Brandie Hale on Jan. 29, 2025. Charges: 1. Possession of Controlled Substance 1st degree 1st offense (Heroin) 2. Drug Paraphernalia Buy/Possess
On the above date and time the LCSO received a call in reference to a male and female subject at 76 See Chapel Rd attempting to break into the residence. The caller reported that the female’s name was Brandie and the male subject stated that his name was Jason. I observed the subject’s walking towards the bridge on KY-3S and when I make contact with them I identified the male subject as James Mullett. The female was identified as Brandie Hale. They stated that they were trying to see if the resident of 76 See Chapel Rd was home because he owed them money. They stated that they never made entry into the residence. I had prior knowledge that James Mullett had an active warrant for his arrest, so he was placed under arrest. Search incident to arrest yielded one syringe and an aluminum foil pack containing a crystalline substance believed to be methamphetamine. I asked the above subject is she had anything illegal on her person and she stated that she believed that she had a needle. She gave consent to search her person and I located an empty baggie that contained what appeared to be heroin residue. Also in her jacket pocket was a syringe and a foil pack containing grey powder substance believed to be heroin.

Angela Lynn Rice
The Lawrence County Sheriff Department arrested Angela Rice on Jan. 30, 2025. Charges: 1 Possession of Controlled Substance, 2nd degree- Drug Unspecified 2. Illegal Possession of Legend Drug 3. Prescription Controlled Substance Not in Proper Container 4. Drug paraphernalia – buy/possess.
On the above date and time the LCSO was called to the Dollar General store on 2565 in Lawrence County because workers had found a gun in the restroom. When I arrived I found the gun on top of the tank of the toilet, the gun was a small 2 shot hand gun. I was shown the video footage of the above Tommy Church and a female Angela Rice had been the last to leave the restroom. I had 289 from the Louisa PD check the KFC parking lot to make contact with the above to see if they had left the gun. After talking to Church I found that he did not have a driver’s license. After removing Tommy Church from the truck I also ask Angela Rice to step out, at that time Deputy Osbourne deployed his K-9 to check the truck. After walking the K9 around the truck he showed a positive indication on the drivers side door of the truck after a look in the truck we found a bag that glass pipes, needles/syringes, small clear bags. I also asked Rice to remove everything she had in her pockets and she pulled out a small pill that is round and orange in color believed to be suboxene and a capped needle/syringe from her jacket.

Tommy Church
The Lawrence County Sheriff Department arrested Tommy Church on Jan. 30, 2025. Charges: 1. No Operators-Moped License. On the above date and time LCSO was called to the Dollar General on Highway 2565 in Lawrence County because workers had found a gun in the restroom. The gun was found on top of the toilet, the gun was a small 2 shot hand gun. I was shown footage of the above Tommy Church and Angela Rice had been the last people to leave the restroom. I had 289 from the Louisa PD check the KFC parking lot to make contact with the above to see if they had left the gun. After talking to Church I found that he did not have a driver’s license.