KKK fliers show up in several Kentucky communities
By John McGary,
20 hours ago
Fliers advertising a Ku Klux Klan meeting have popped up in Laurel County and at least two cities in northern Kentucky. They tout a February 15 “Tri-State Konklave” at Klan Grounds in northern Indiana.
Pikeville civil rights and defense attorney Ned Pillersdorf said he thinks he knows why dozens of people notified him about the fliers.
“I think where this all started was about 10 years ago. They had a, literally a Nazi march in Pikeville. I helped organize the resistance to these idiots, and I got some pushback. Actually took some pictures at the Nazi March. By the way, the Nazi march was a week or two before Charlottesville.”
Pillersdorf was referring to the deadly 2017 “Unite the Right” march in Charlottesville that featured people chanting, “Jews will not replace us.”“When I posted pictures of them after the Nazi march, it turned out one of them was the father of criminal defendant I was representing in Pike County, and he consistently called me afterwards and kept pointing out that I was Jewish and that he was going to harm me if I didn’t take the picture down.”
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