July 26, 2018
Tuesday night was a great night for golf. But as usual, the front 9 managed to increase THE SCORING.
Golf is a peculiar game. The great Bobby Jones compared it to life when he stated: “Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots, but you have to play the ball where it lies.” The famed humorist, lecturer, and writer, Samuel Clements, better known by his pen name, Mark Twain, defined golf as a “good walk spoiled.” For me, a bad day at the golf course is better than a good day at work.
It appears to the reader who has not played Eagle Ridge that I talk about the difficulty and difference in scoring on the front 9 and the back 9. There is a natural reason for this. 5 or arguably 6 of the hardest holes on the golf course are on the front 9. Interestingly, the back 9 has the greatest length, yet it is not the length that makes the front 9 so tricky, it is the accuracy demanded of every shot. There are no bailout positions on the holes, and a miss is quite penal. But it remains the most beautiful course I have ever played. It is like spending an afternoon in a game preserve.
It is the nature of these holes to create high scores through the lack of anything but purely struck shots.
League Results from July 24.
It was the front 9 that was played on July 24. Troy is currently in the process of preparing and feeding barbecue to anybody that he can find. Therefore, he hasn’t had time to calculate the persons winning skins and having the fewest putts. Since I had four 3 putt greens, I do not believe I will be found in the winner’s column for putting. With the data we do have, let us look at the highlights of the scoring for Tuesday.
Now for the scores and highlights for July 24.
Low Net Score (32) Ronnie Wellman
Low Gross Score (37) Troy Hughes
Ronnie Wellman
Longest Drive (#4) Ronnie Wellman
Fewest Putts unknown
Skills Competition
Longest Putt (#18) Bill England
Par 3, Closest to pin (#3) Mike “Hulk” Hogan
Par 3, Closest to pin (#17) John McDaris
Closest 2nd shot (#5) Josh Puckett
Skins unknown
Note: There was a protest filed regarding the closest 2nd shot on number 5 by Troy Hughes. Hughes’ argument was had he not hit a turkey with his 2nd shot, his ball would have been closer to the pin that Mr. Puckett’s. First, I am glad to say that the turkey survived the strike by the golf ball. However, this reporter has discovered that the offended turkey has returned to his flock and reported Mr. Hughes’ action. After the turkey committee met, a bounty has been placed on Mr. Hughes’ head, payable to the first turkey that strikes him. Meanwhile, Troy’s protest was dismissed by the league’s judicial committee.
See you on the course.
Bill Jackson
Submitted: July 26, 2018