August 30, 2018
A real leader works to create good-paying jobs for your families, not his buddies.
It was widely reported this week that Gov. Bevin gave his IT director a $215,000 taxpayer-funded raise making him the highest-paid employee in state government at $375,000 a year.
This is on top of the $250,000 job he created for his best friend. And on top of the deep discount on the mansion he bought from a state contractor.
A real leader should work to enrich the lives of all Kentuckians, not himself and his friends.
At a time when the governor claims the state is headed toward the edge of a financial cliff, and he blames teachers and police officers for fighting for their hard-earned retirements, he has once again found a way to enrich himself and his buddies.
At a time of a two-year state budget which provides no funding for textbooks and Kentucky has the third lowest wage growth in the nation, our governor chose to favor his friends instead of furthering opportunity for all Kentuckians.
It’s time for new leadership. It’s time for a real leader.
Jacqueline Coleman
Candidate for Lieutenant Governor
Really? All this over $215.000? It time for leadership chance over $215.000? But if a democrat did it this publication would be covering it up. Shameful
Maybe this publication should be using it’s platform informing it’s readers of real corruption.
Being deeply concerned, of this editorial , to Mark Grayson, editor of The Levisa Lazer, post by. Mark. I want, to ask way you haven’t reprinted the statements and such from CJ news? Please, print the news item ” Ky Governor : ( MATT BEVINS) , action , of his power , increase the salary of present IT director by $215, 000 to present salary $250,000 . good chunk!!! I hope , Mr. M. Bevins , notated his , present salary to well deserved need, Food banks, missions, homeless, make plans
and act / do for making those in need lives better. May God, intervene , God is in control.