LOUISVILLE – Sullivan University has announced it will offer an Introduction to Cannabis Studies online course for the fall 2020 term that begins Sept. 28.
The legalization of hemp in Kentucky and the increasing legalization of medicinal and recreational cannabis in various parts of the country has sparked an interest in learning more about cannabis through a well-structured, college-level course on the many aspects of the growing increasingly broad industry.
“While the social implications of the industry and the interest in the topic is becoming very important in academic research and as a field of study, the course is intended to be academic and objectively focused without attempting to be involved in any social movement,” said Dr. Tonnie L. Renfro, chair of Social and Behavioral Science at Sullivan University. “The course can be important for many students in various programs, as a general education elective, giving an additional choice for students.”
Dr. Renfro described the course as an overview of related psychological, social, economic, and legal issues surrounding the broad topic of cannabis and subtopics, such as industrial hemp production.
“As an introductory course,” she said, “there will be a broad coverage of cannabis uses, the industry, and other current trends on the subject.”
Following are the learning outcomes of the course:
- Describe the culture of cannabis use in the United States.
- Discuss ethical, social and legal impacts of cannabis.
- Evaluate depictions of marijuana use and the cannabis industry in the media.
- Apply sociological and psychological theories to issues associated with marijuana in culture.
- Describe the medicalization of cannabis.
- Discuss social change and perceptions of normalcy relating to cannabis.
- Describe formal and informal mechanisms of social control relative to cannabis use.
- Describe the emergence and development of the cannabis industry in the United States.
Current or potential students can learn more about the course by contacting the Sullivan University Admissions Department at 502-456-6505.
waste of money, teach something that will actually help them in the future of jobs, a skill .. this is as off the wall as gender studies , plain bs
LOL. Intro to cannabis class. Sounds like an old time camp out back in the day. Students will major in cannabis and minor in ice cold beer. What a country we have become.