February 27, 2018
“A Quilt with a story”
As a quilt warms your body, the story behind the quilt can warm your heart. With that in mind, “Quilted Treasures”, the quilt guild of Lawrence County, Kentucky, would like to invite you to a celebration of all quilters on March 10, 2018 at the Lawrence County Extension Office, Louisa, Kentucky, for “A Quilt With A Story” program.
All quilters are invited to bring in a quilt and tell the story behind the quilt. The story can be anything you would like to share with others about the quilt such as the history of the quilt or the quilter, the reason the quilt was made, or why it means something special. Presentations will be held between 10:00 AM and 12:00 noon and visitors can come and go as needed. Quilts made by the guild will be available for viewing and admission to all events is free. A soup and sandwich luncheon will be served for the presenters and District 10 members at noon.
In 1989, the Kentucky Heritage Quilt Society organized a “Quilter’s Day Out” to celebrate the rich tradition of quilt making in Kentucky. It was so successful that in 1992, it started being celebrated on a national level and is now celebrated internationally. This event hosted by the Lawrence County quilt guild will be the KHQS District 10 celebration. District 10 is made from guilds in Boyd, Carter, Elliott, Greenup, and Lawrence counties and they would like to invite any and all quilters to join them on March 10, 2018 for this special program.