Jan. 14, 2025 10:30 AM
Lawrence County KY Emergency Management
Public Service Announcement: Main Cross Street will be CLOSED off at the intersection of Madison Street due to water leak.
This is in front of the Courthouse in town.
Jan. 14, 2025 10:30 AM
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Sadly, ads popping up and dropping down have made this website unpleasant and almost unbearable to visit. I used to come here every day, but lately it’s more like once or twice a week. So many websites are this way anymore and it’s really sad. I understand why, but it’s unfortunate.
Weezie, we have removed all ad spots inside a story on The Lazer so you don’t get popups while reading anymore! Check it out. Started Jan. 1 which cost us revenue but I hate to read a story like that myself.
Thank you very much for that! I noticed they are still on the main page, but hadn’t been here enough lately to notice they weren’t popping up while reading stories. That will definitely make the website more enjoyable. Have you considered a paid option for those who want no ads popping up? I would be ok with solid ads on the home screen and in the stories, if paying. There is just something so annoying to me about pop up and drop down ads. I fully understand that you have to make revenue and I’m sorry about being a little rude up above. I’d like to mention something else that I feel needs improvement. The area at the top of the homepage that flashes the latest headlines….it no longer shows the full headline. I liked it much better when it scrolled….even if the scrolling was slightly choppy.