LC BOE Summary for the March 17, 2025 meeting
The Lawrence County Board of Education held its regular meeting at Blaine Elementary School gymnasium on March 17, 2025, at 6:00 PM. Board members Jim See (Chairman), Maddlene Roberts (Vice-Chair), Barbara Robinson, Garnett Skaggs, and Susie Rice were all present in person.
Mr. See called the meeting to order. Blaine Elementary School eighth-graders Kimberly Fugitt and Bella Griffith recited the LCS Mission Statement and the US Pledge of Allegiance.
The board approved the agenda. Mr. See announced that the board was happy to be holding the BOE meeting at Blaine Elementary School. A motion was made to approve the amendment to the agenda, adding several items.
In students and staff presentations and recognitions:
- Webb honored Mr. Halfhill, a retired teacher from Louisa Middle School. Ms. Sammons commented, “We appreciate all he did for the students at Louisa Middle School.”
- We are celebrating our LC FFA Chapter! It has been declared FFA Week in Lawrence County Schools and Agriculture Education Week in KY for the week of March 17th-21st!
The group discussed the grant gifted to the LCHS agriculture department’s small engines class. The grant provided 72 Briggs & Stratton engines to use in the class. Miss Preslie Laney gave a fantastic speech, which she is perfecting for competition.
Mrs. Blackburn has been awarded the KEEP Foundation’s Seattle Slew $5,000 grant!
- The Blaine Elementary School Spotlight began with Ms. West’s discussion of the middle school HOSA group’s first year of participation in the State HOSA competition. BES also discussed the students’ involvement in the STLP competition in April. The STLP group focuses on simplifying school events by promoting extracurricular activities.
Additionally, BES third-grade teachers discussed their approaches to Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). In week one, the group focuses on assessments. In week two, they focus on quality instruction. In week three, they focus on data analysis. Finally, in week four, they implemented the PDSA cycle: Plan, Do, Study, Act.
In communications, Mrs. Webb gave the Superintendent’s update.
- Norman and Sue Edwards are partnering with Ashland Community & Technical College to provide a scholarship endowment for LCHS Graduates. The scholarship will provide $18,000 in scholarships for up to four LCHS students.
- LC Schools is partnering with Three Rivers Medical Center to offer a Telehealth Option for students. Dr. Fitzpatrick will be providing the telehealth appointments.
- Courtney Kingsmore, LWES principal, has been selected for the 2025-2026 Leadership Institute for Schools Principals, with all costs funded by the KY Chamber Foundation. She will attend this program on March 27th, 2025, and at various dates throughout the summer.
- The LCHS Boys’ Basketball Team is the Region 15 Champion and will head to Rupp Arena on March 27, 2025! The LCHS Girls’ Basketball Team was runner-up in the regional competition.
- In the Regional Governors Cup, Louisa Middle School had three students who advanced to the State Finals. Louisa East Elementary School is the Regional Runner-Up, the Regional Champion Future Problem-Solving Team, and the Language Arts and Math Regional Champions, and placed second in Quick Recall.
- Louisa East’s 3rd-grade student, Miss Ellie Short, was recognized in Frankfort, KY, on March 7th as the Area 8 KY Conservation Jim Claypool Art Contest Winner.
- The LC Music Hall of Fame Induction of James Ellis and Rose Murray will take place during the Music in Our Schools Month Concert at LCHS on March 18th at 10:00 AM, open to the public.
In public comments, Mrs. Brit Brendan addressed the board regarding the Summit House, a nonprofit organization. The group is education-based and addresses the needs, health, and well-being of the whole person. Ms. Brendan asked the board to contemplate working with the Summit House.
In Student Learning and Support Services:
- Webb discussed the finances related to the National FFA Convention.
- The board approved the Minutes of February 18, 2025, Regular Meeting, the Claims and Orders of the Treasurer, and the Monthly Financial Report by Mrs. Brani Peters, LC Finance Officer.
Beginning Balance $6,372,727
Total Revenue for Feb $3,499,542
Expenditures for Feb $2,611,153
Fund 1 Cash Balance for Feb $2,538,627
Ending Balance for Feb $7,270,910
Balance sheets reflect the balance of each fund as of February 28, 2025.
In the Consent Agenda:
- The Board approved the items on the Consent Agenda.
- In Contracts and Services:
- Steered Straight Vaping Assembly Service agreement with LCHS FRYSC for $7,500.
- Varsity Yearbook Agreement with FES for $882 and LMS for $2,967.
- Acceptance of the FY2025 KES Second Offer of Assistance for Education Technology for $18,029, with an equal match from the district.
- Webb highlighted the generosity of the LC KY Farm Bureau in providing a charter bus for the LCHS boys’ basketball team to travel to Rupp Arena.
- In Requests,
- Fundraisers: BES, FES, LMS, and LCHS
- Out-of-State Trips:
FES to Cincinnati Zoo for May 22, 2025
LCHS students tour Greenbrier Bunker, WV, May 14, 2025
LCHS Boys Basketball to Marshall University, WV, May 18, 2024
- Donation Acceptance: 4-H Council, Farm to Table, $4,651
Three Rivers Medical Center, LC Softball Scoreboard, $10,000
Foothills Communications, LC Softball Scoreboard, $750
- Use of Facilities: LMS 2025 Eastern KY Fire School, May 2-4, 2025
LMS Conservation Essay & Poster Winners Banquet, April 17, 20
In construction/building & grounds project updates:
- The LCHS Vocational Education Center received its Temporary Occupancy.
- An invoice for $1,563.99 was approved for RossTarrant’s monthly professional services for the LCHS Vocational Center Phase 1, including the New Carpentry Building and Greenhouse.
- An invoice for Codell Construction Pay Application 16, covering the work performed on the LCHS Vocational Education Center Renovation and Expansion Phase 1, for $42,712.22, has been approved.
- An invoice for Codell Construction Application 7, covering work performed on the LMS Roof Replacement Project, was approved for $235,469.65.
In Building and Grounds Maintenance/Safety & Security:
- Approved the bid for the grass mowing services to Lawn Express for the 2025 season.
Lawn Express will also mow the grounds weekly and weed the flower beds. If the school provides the mulch, they will also provide the labor to add the mulch to the landscape areas.
In Other Action:
- The Board approved the award of bids for the vehicles declared as surplus. The bids were awarded to the highest bidders. These individuals will be contacted to complete these transactions.
- The Board was updated on the current LC School Year Calendar.
It was determined that there would be no school on March 27th due to the LCHS Boys’ basketball team competing in the Sweet 16 at Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY. Additionally, LC Schools will be closed from March 31st through April 4th for the scheduled Spring Break. The last day of school will be Tuesday, June 3rd. LCHS Graduation has been set for May 30, 2025, at 7 PM.
- The Board decided on the 2025-2026 LC School District Calendar.
- August 13th is the first day of school.
- Full 5-day Fall Break
- Full 5-day Thanksgiving Break
- Approved the appointment of Phillip Hunt with Debbie Cordle as the Agent of Record for the 2025-2026 school year LC School District insurance.
- Approved a Shortened School Day waiver for a student with special needs.
- Approved entering an Executive Session for a Student Discipline/Expulsion Hearing.
- Approved to return to Open Session.
In New Business:
- In Personnel, the board approved the abolishment, creation, and changes regarding positions.
- Approved the 2025-2026 LC Schools Payroll Calendar, which includes the 2025-2026 Athletic Extra Duty Payroll Calendar.
- In the Superintendent’s Professional Growth & Evaluation:
Mrs. Webb presented her 2024-2025 Professional Growth Plan to the board members.
Standard Seven: Influential Leadership
Mrs. Webb read the definition of Influential Leadership as defined by KDE, the
understanding of the political, socio-economic, legal, and cultural aspects of the
community. Local, regional, and state politics also provide influence. Mrs. Webb
showcased various communication activities with the Board of Education members. She
provides them with weekly updates, answers questions they may have, and works to
locate meetings/training they can attend together. Mrs. Webb provides monthly board
communications at the BOE meetings. Mrs. Webb collaborates with numerous
community partners, including our local judge-executive, the Rotary Club, the local
health department, First State Bank, and the Kentucky Farm Bureau, among others. Mrs.
Webb also participates in several professional groups, including KWEL, KABC, and the
15th and 16th Regional Superintendents’ Groups. Mrs. Webb plans to continue working
on establishing influential leadership by partnering with local groups and expanding our
Student Resource Officers (SROs). Additionally, she is working to expand and
collaborate with KEDC/KVEC. Mrs. Webb also plans to establish a role in both local and
state committees.
- The LC Board approved the acknowledgment of receipt of the Superintendent’s Personnel Action/Update.
Mr. See adjourned the meeting.
The next Regular School Board Meeting will be held on Monday, April 21st, at 6:00 PM in the LCHS library. Louisa Middle School will spotlight its students and staff. All residents are welcome to attend Lawrence County Board Meetings to stay informed about issues affecting our students and schools. The meetings may also be viewed virtually through the public viewing link. Copies of the most recent Lawrence County Board agendas and meeting minutes can be found on the current Lawrence County District webpage at