Lawrence County FFA Chapter Receives Ag Tag Donations
Kentucky farmers donated $731,627.67 to the Ag Tag Program for 2021 – the highest ever in program history, Commissioner of Agriculture Dr. Ryan Quarles announced.
The amount donated this year is $119,884.59 more than last year’s amount, and more than the previous highest donated amount, which was $629,865.43 in 2017.
“I want to send a huge ‘Thank You’ to everyone who donated to the voluntary ‘Ag Tag’ program this year, surpassing all previous records and showing how much our agricultural community means to the state of Kentucky,” Commissioner Quarles said. “Through the years, the Ag Tag Program has succeeded in providing much-needed funding for promoting agriculture and educating Kentucky’s youth on the importance of agriculture in our everyday lives. Your generosity will help ensure Kentucky agriculture has a bright future.”
The voluntary donations are divided equally among Kentucky 4-H, Kentucky FFA, and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA). This year each group will receive $243,875.89.
“The Kentucky FFA Foundation is thrilled with the 2021 Ag Tag campaign. We give half of the funds given in each county back to the local chapters in that county, so this means a greater impact in each community,” said Sheldon McKinney, executive director of the Kentucky FFA Foundation. “We also use Ag Tag donation to fund Ag Achievers grants, which offer much needed technology upgrades to agriculture classrooms across Kentucky, provide travel scholarships to our students competing at National FFA Convention, and provide a great experience for our students at the Kentucky State Fair. The Ag Tag program has become a vital part of accomplishing our vision of Growing Leaders, Building Communities & Strengthening Agriculture.”
The Lawrence County FFA Chapter received $160. These funds will be used locally to: send a student to camp, or cover transportation cost to competition. In Lawrence County, 23% of folks that purchase a farm tag make the donation. If 100% of our community made the donation it would generate approximately $1406 for our Ag Ed Program.
The Kentucky FFA Foundation cultivates partnerships which support the FFA vision to grow leaders, build communities, and strengthen agriculture. Kentucky FFA Foundation initiatives impact over 150,000 FFA members in 164 FFA chapters across Kentucky. Learn more about how you can support the mission of the Kentucky FFA Foundation at