Kentucky Power has requested to raise their rates and change policies for customers in 20 Eastern Kentucky counties
By Josh Bills, Commercial Energy Specialist, Mountain Association
While many Eastern Kentuckians have been busy balancing jobs, struggling businesses, and teaching their kids at home, Kentucky Power has been quietly filing a new rate proposal case in Frankfort that will raise electric rates in 20 counties. The proposed increase, as much as 25 percent, would be a financial burden on households, organizations and businesses already facing a huge energy cost burden in the middle of this pandemic. Their proposal also includes disincentives for much-needed energy efficiency upgrades that would save home and business owners money.
That’s why the Mountain Association, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth and the Kentucky Solar Energy Society, represented by Tom FitzGerald with the Kentucky Resources Council, are jointly intervening in this rate case through formal proceedings. We filed to intervene in this case before the Kentucky Public Service Commission (PSC) so we can advocate for reasonable rates and fair solar net metering policies.
Every year the PSC receives around 500 applications from utility companies for changes to rates and services. Nearly 85 percent of these cases go completely unchallenged. Our status as an intervenor allows us to contribute to the rate-making scrutiny process with testimony, discovery and cross-examination.
As an employee of the Mountain Association, I have worked with hundreds of businesses, nonprofits, public agencies and homeowners to help them save thousands of dollars in energy costs. Because Kentucky Power serves all or part of 20 Eastern Kentucky counties, many of the people we’ve helped have been Kentucky Power customers.
Take Isom IGA in Letcher County, for example. We have worked with the owner, Gwen Christon, to provide expertise and guidance as she invested in energy efficiency. Her electric bills have gone down from more than $122,000 to less than $82,000 per year, despite Kentucky Power increasing rates by more than 30 percent in recent years.
This summer, Christon installed a new solar electric system that will bring even more savings to her essential store. Margins are incredibly tight in the grocery industry, so these savings have allowed her to hire more employees, stock a variety of local produce and healthy items, and most importantly, stay open in a community that wouldn’t have a grocery store otherwise.
Without our organizations intervening in this new rate case, the PSC may never hear from customers like Gwen. Over the next several weeks, we will provide information and testimony about several aspects of Kentucky Power’s proposed rate adjustment and other regulatory proposals. We are calling for transparency in billing, and we are asking that Kentucky Power not be allowed to impose a confusing and harmful solar net metering policy.
Distributed solar, like what Isom IGA is installing, needs to remain a viable option for struggling businesses and non-profits because it will save them money, and help usher in a new sector of energy jobs in Eastern Kentucky.
Under the current policy, net metering allows for a one-to-one credit on electric bills for energy produced from a small-scale solar energy system. Under Kentucky Power’s new proposal, they would remove the one-for-one credit, making it nearly impossible to pay off an investment in solar in a timely manner.
The simple truth is that solar and other renewable energy projects are good for our state. We see for-profits and non-profits reduce operating expenses and level out seasonal electric bills through solar every day. We see monthly cost for investments in solar exceeded by monthly bill savings. Planning, building and maintaining these systems requires highly-skilled, good-paying jobs — jobs that Eastern Kentuckians desperately need.
The PSC has an obligation to establish rates that are fair, just and reasonable to all ratepayers. Our organizations intend to help the PSC hold Kentucky Power accountable to those standards.
It is vital that everyone else make their voices heard, too. To learn more visit To file public comments with the PSC, email, including the case number (2020-00174) in the subject line, and your full name and county where you live in the body. You can also mail comments to Public Service Commission, 211 Sower Boulevard, Post Office Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky, 40602. Comments, although accepted at any time, should be sent prior to the hearing scheduled for November 17-19, 2020.
Josh Bills is the Commercial Energy Specialist at the Mountain Association. He can be reached via email
When Kentucky burned it’s own coal, it had the cheapest utility rates in the nation, not just electricity, all utilities (because they were powered by electricity. Then came Obama, and now look where you are. To hell with green energy, and the green new deal, and most of all…LIBERALS!
Got to keep the Shareholders Happy Charley Obama’s been gone now almost 4 years you got to come up with something else
more tax cuts ? you know they need them
the Kool Aid sooner or later it’s going to make you sick
Ky Power is corrupt. Trust me, I know I have proof.
California’s green grid couldn’t keep up with demand this summer. All the green BS sounds good but wont sustain heavy needs. Bernie, AOC, Biden all the same. Obama and Biden ruined the coal industry now if elected Biden and Harris will destroy the oil and gas industry. Yet people are following these fools over the cliff. How sad.
i believe the reason California had to shut some of there power lines down was over the forest fires
keep drinking the Kool Aid
The 1990 amendment to the clean air act and the clean air interstate rule is what killed coal in Appalachia. If you think that Obama was that powerful to kill coal why hasn’t Trump been powerful enough to at the very least to revive it somewhat . It’s a lot easier to blame your misfortune on someone that doesn’t look like you . Hillary said they were gonna put a lot of coal miners out of work. Trump said he was going put them all back to work , wouldn’t be enough people he said. How’s that going Charles?
Dispite our great leader Mr. Trump’s efforts, it’s too expensive to switch back to coal once you’ve demolished your coal burning plants. Obama did too much damage.
Donald Trump 2020! (Biden-20 would be 10 times worse than Covid-19)
you do know our power comes from a coal fired plant
go a couple days without the Kool Aid see if it will clear your head
“only I can bring back or coal jobs” from the Dear Leader
Was it cheaper to switch to gas? What do they do with all the ashes that’s leftover after burning that dang ole natural gas? Are the transportation costs higher with coal? Yes I see your point now about Obama s war on coal. That guy must really be evil. Now if only we could elect someone with multiple bankruptcies , 2 exwives, and a previous relationship with a pornstar.
Boo, did you know that the ash from coal fired plants was used as a mixer in blacktop? It made paving roads much cheaper! As for transportation, is the NG piped in or hauled in? If hauled NG would be a lot higher, and it’s already more expensive (who pays that expense, do you think?). You hit on one point that is correct; Obama was evil, is evil and will remain evil. His war on coal was due to one thing, the people of KY and WV refused to vote for him. Obama is scum of the earth, nothing more. I have been married 3 times, filed bankruptcy once, and have never had relations with a porn star…yet!
TRUMP 2020.
your relationship male or female ?
Charles I worked in the coal industry in southern wayne county from 1990-2000 . I now work in the gas industry. The more you try to pin the fall of coal on something political or personal the more desperate you sound. The wheel put the sled out of business too caveman.
As usual Boo, you mix fact and fiction to tell your version of a truth. You are quite good at it, and could fool many. I however don’t buy it. The 1990 amendment did do some damage, but not all. The Obama administration did in fact destroy coal by intent and on the orders of his master George Soros. Tell me, if you will, why did Soros buy controlling interest in both ARCH (or perhaps that’s ARC?), and Peabody coal at pennies on the dollar? Those are the two largest coal producers in America. Why did that happen Boo? Do you think Soros wanted to bankrupt himself? He intended to sell coal to China (not to be confused with Tiawan), and India. That hasn’t worked out for him yet, because Swillary didn’t get elected. I’m sure Soros is not done yet, he is now backing his favorite yet, braindead Joe and clamidia Harris. If coal comes back now on any level, Soros will get richer (as if he need to). So many decent people will have to find a new line of work, thanks to your liberal hero’s. How do you like that Boo.
i believe the most damage came from the Energy Policy Act of 2005 it contained what people call the Halliburton Loophole it let’s the gas companies exempt from the Safe Drinking Water Act
“only i will bring the coal jobs back” and the Hoople Heads swallowed it
you got to remember it’s a business they have shareholders
Charles are you triggered? Soros is 89 years old . Slag 8s and fly ash are a very small part of blacktop and cement production. Obama lives rent free inside your head. Do you think Trump will bring back the carburetor and bias ply 14 inch tires if re-elected.
Not as minimal as you state Boo!
“Typical sections range in thickness from 12.7 to 50.8 mm (1/2 to 2 in) and are composed of 50
percent by weight boiler slag, 39 percent river sand, 3 percent fly ash, and 8 percent asphalt cement”.
Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Research Publications
You are starting to get rude Boo, if you would like I’ll show you how that’s done?
That mix design is not used in this region . No limestone 8s ,57, no crusherrun and no regrind. Most blacktop plants around here use regrind instead of slag 8s because of the costs involved. Was it hard to find that mix design ? My brother runs a endloader at a blacktop plant. Charles you remind me of something George Carlin used to say: You can never win an argument with a fool. They will bring down to their level and beat you with experience!
when the Trump disaster is over there will have to be a bunch of treatment centers open to wean them off the Kool Aid
You are actually the fool here Boo. My post didn’t say a word about limestone 8’s, 57’s, crush-and-run ( I don’t know what crusherrun is? No regrind mentioned (which is old blacktop, ground and reheated). But hell you know it all because “you’re brother runs an end-loader, at a blacktop plant”, I use credible links and you use stupidity? WOW. I wrongly gave you credit for having some sense, you have none. DONE.
And Boo, George Carlin didn’t own that quote, it was Mark Twain. You likely don’t know who that is!
Soros is 89 years old, but is kept alive by stem cells from aborted babies, and complete blood transfusions from young Mexicans in the human trafficking network! How do you like that one Boo?
i believe your Dear Leader took the same treatment from aborted babies while he caught the virus
“we are rounding the corner on the virus”
Swillary, clamidia Harris, braindead biden , soros . You left out ms13, caravans, Antifa,etc. I would hate to be so scared . Lock em up.
Yes Boo you are right, I missed a few. I’ll get to them; I posted credible links to what I said about Soros, However the Lazer chose not to post them? It is really hard to debate an issue here, and I am enjoying debating you. You have some sense, not that I agree with you. All we’ve had is the likes of KAG to argue with, and that is not unlike debating an onion. Now to the point at hand…Yes Antifa, BLM terrorists and all other American terrorists, the demoncrap party for one! As for scared, wrong guy Boo! Well armed, well skilled and most of all, willing! Tell me one thing Boo, Why did Soros buy all that coal stock, you can look it up, but I think you already know it’s true. Why?
Charles holding your grudge against Democrats or liberals or whatever can’t be healthy for you. Holding a grudge is like mixing up some poison . Then drinking it yourself. Let it go coal was never that great. 120 years of coal and the region is still and always be poor. Wv is always 50th and Ky may be 44th on a good week.
Charles you know what the bullfrog says late at night don’t you? Do you remember who the secretary of labor was back when the Martin county slurry spill happened don’t you? Department of labor oversees MSHA right? Massey fined $5600. Elaine Chao that Taiwan (Republic of China) chick. Back to the first question SWWWWAAAAAMMMMPPPP.
The mix I posted was and is used in KY Boo, in you’re now typical response, you just say ‘that’s not true’ and move on to something else. I don’t hold a grudge against dims, I HATE THEM. They are communists, now and America would be well off without them. As for what bullfrogs do, or don’t do at night…that’s just childish. I worked in coal many years ago and know it’s not perfect. I now have a masters degree, and the hardest work I do is teach college classes. But college never made a damn liberal out of me. You can also say that isn’t true, but I don’t care. There is no point continuing this nonsense Boo.
I voted today, in early voting, and I voted for Donald Trump. Proud to do so.
This is ridiculous! I am going to have to downsize to afford electricity. It is already high enough!
Stephanie, did you notice their doing this at a time when they think Slow Biden is going to get elected? Do you find that a bit odd? I do!
TRUMP 2020