LOUISA, Ky. — The Kentucky General Assembly has passed HB 208 in both HOUSE and Senate and is now on Governor Andy Beshear’s desk to sign into law a limit on the use of cell phones at school by students. The bill as amended reads like this:
“…Amend KRS 158.165 to require local boards of education to adopt a policy to, at a minimum, prohibit student use of a personal telecommunications device during the school day with specific exceptions; amend KRS 156.675 to include social media in prohibited material to be made inaccessible through school technology and provide the scope of social media to be prohibited.”
Lawrence County Supt. Katie Webb said this week her district already has a policy.
“We understand the importance of technology in education,” Webb messaged The Lazer. “Our district already has a policy (for several years) that outlines acceptable use of technology overall (internet, devices, etc.) in schools. We also recognize that most students (particularly in middle and high school) now have their own cell phones, but we want to make sure those phones don’t distract from learning during class. Each school in our district has its own policy on cell phone use to help keep students focused on their studies, while also allowing for emergencies when needed.”
Webb, a prolific user of Twitter as are most schools in the district, said local policy would be changed to meet the new standards if Beshear signs the bill into law.
“As for KY House Bill 208, we understand the intent behind it, and if it passes we will make any changes (if needed) to our current policies,” Webb told The Lazer. “We always want to balance technology use with creating the best learning environment we can. Our priority is always ensuring students stay engaged and focused on their education.”
Beshear has not said when or if he will sign the bill into law. Stay tuned WE HAVE ASKED FOR COMMENTS FROM GOV. BESHEAR, SEN. WHEELER AND REP. SCOTT SHARP and we will add them to this story when they send a reply…