Paying Attention
John Butch Preston
My name is Ned. Suppose you are thinking a deep thought and at the same time tying your shoes, while a song you heard earlier keeps playing over and over in the back of your mind. Not unusual really. Then suppose you suddenly became conscious that these three things are going on in your mind at the same time. You become aware that you are thinking deeply, tying your shoes, and trying to get the pesky song out of your brain. You would then, in effect, be looking over your shoulder at yourself.
Now suppose you are in church and thinking a deep thought, for instance how honest and true our president is. All the while the preacher is talking about Greed, and that you can’t serve God and Mammon at the same time; it’s the same old sermon you’ve heard a thousand times, much like tying your shoes a thousand times, so you’re listening sort of unconsciously—while giving most of your attention to your deep thought. But there’s also that third thing going on in the back of your mind that won’t go away like a song repeating itself. You’re hungry and wondering what you will order at Wendy’s after church is over. Shouldn’t you be looking over your shoulder about now?
I believe sir, that you are off your rocker. I am appalled that this is what is considered publishable material. It is a shame those with the knowledge and expertise to write about things that matter are usually restricted from doing so for one reason or another. It is a shame.
Thank you G.W! I wanted to comment on this, but I was so dumbstruck by this man’s nonsensical rambling that I couldn’t come up with the words. I’ve said it before, I can feel my IQ drop every time I read this man’s so-called writing.
I must agree with the other two, this guy is a hard nose liberal, that knows nothing!Go back to your hippie lettuce!!
No worries at all. If nothing else, you can depend on me for a dose of reality and common sense supported by actual evidence. I try to discredit everything this person writes simply because like this article, the topics are off nonsense, not grounded in fact or truth, or plain do not make any sense, like this one. What is this even saying? Do you know? I do not.
People like this help Trump win in 2016 and will definitely help Trump win again in 2020. The super biased liberal media has pounded the Trump bashing drum for 3 years straight. They pushed lying Hillary in 2016 thinking the public would fall for their narrative. I still remember the losers crying like babies when Trump beat her like a drum. The liberal media are only brainwashing themselves, cnn, msnbc, etc are all complete jokes, no news, no honesty just a liberal TV show. Trump 2020!