Lawrence Fiscal court agrees to give trash haulers $2 raise after much ‘trash talk’
LOUISA, Ky. — After several minutes of deliberation and discussion the Lawrence Fiscal Court members agreed unanimously to grant a $2 raise per month to the county’s six trash hauling franchisees at Tuesday’s regular April meeting.
The trash haulers had been pleading with the court for the small raise since their charges were upped by the landfill operators where they haul their trash in Boyd County. The raise will not affect senior citizens, Osborne said.
The new garbage fees are now $18 per month for regular customers and $12 for senior citizens.
With a lean budget which is being squeezed by the disappearance of the coal severance tax funds, magistrates were reluctant to put any more burden on taxpayers – even $2.
But the haulers say they cannot stay in business without the raise because of the economic impact and the county cannot be without trash hauling service.
County attorney Mike Hogan finally spoke up and said, ‘we’ve been ‘talking trash’ for too long now, give them the raise or don’t and let’s move on.”
And the court did just that.
Motion made by District 2 magistrate John J. Lemaster and with much hesitation… the second by Dist. 3 magistrate Earl Boggs, the vote was unanimous.
The raise will take affect on your next bill. (senior citizens excluded).
In other business the court:
Approved Minutes from March 21th Regular Meeting
Approved 2nd Reading of Budget Amendment # 4
Approved Treasurer’s Request
Approved Bills
Approved Treasurer’s Report
* Declared April Child Abuse Prevention Month (See photo and story below)
* Approved Agreement and Resolution for County Road Aid FY 17-18
* Approved Amendment to Personnel Policy
* Approved 2nd Reading of Encroachment Ordinance
* Approved Lease Agreement between LC Fiscal Court and No Limits Fitness
* Speakers for Kentucky Wired informed the court of the near future plans to implement the statewide system.
* Accepted LC Extension Bd. FY 17-18 Budget $
* Declared April 2017 Distracted Driving Month
* Approved Lowering the Speed Limit in Highbottom and Springhill to 25mph
* Declared April 07 Arbor Day
* Declared May 2017 as Building Safety Month
* Public Comments
National Child Abuse Prevention Month is a time to acknowledge the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect, and to promote the social and emotional well-being of children and families.
During the month of April and throughout the year, communities are encouraged to share child abuse and neglect prevention awareness strategies and activities and promote prevention across the country.