Labor Day, Rest Awhile
By Glenn Mollette
The average American is happy to have a paying job with the opportunity to make a little more money. Most Americans would like to work a few extra hours when they could. However, many Americans dream of retiring to fish, golf, garden, or relax. Others enjoy working so much that they never quit.
It all depends on the kind of work you do. If you are a coal miner, then retirement at 55 looks great. If the daily manual labor is not too overtaxing then many enjoy staying on the job.
Some of my dearest friends are in their seventies and still work five days a week and sometimes more. A friend of mine who manages entertainers is 78 and has no current plans to retire. Another is 76 and is out every day working for a large corporation. Both agree that staying busy has been good for their mental and physical health.
On the flip side of this are people in their seventies who have to work. Often they have jobs they don’t really enjoy but without working some they couldn’t survive.
Life would be almost impossible without Social Security and Medicare for America’s senior adults. Most of our elderly would be starving or homeless without these two government programs. These programs along with people working whatever jobs they can find, keep most of America’s seniors off the streets. I only wish that the money collected from people would stay in these programs.
Every American deserves a break on Labor Day weekend, Sunday or someday during the week. A rest from the daily grind helps us to reflect and appreciate life a little more.
Unfortunately, millions of Americans would love the opportunity to work through Labor Day and the rest of the holidays if they could find a paying job. Without an income it’s almost impossible to relax and enjoy any day.
On Labor Day I hope you have the opportunity to rest awhile.
Glenn Mollette is an American columnist and author.