Fort Gay HS Alumni Association
Fort Gay, WV
Fort Gay Alumni Host Golf Tourney to Raise Funds for Scholarship
The Fort Gay High School Alumni Association will host the 5th annual Joe Damron Memorial Golf Tournament on Friday, September 1, 2017, at Eagle Ridge Golf Course at Yatesville Lake State Park in Louisa, KY.
The best ball tournament begins at 9:00 a.m. and is open to the public. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. “The golf course is in excellent condition again this year,” said Paul Salmons, the tournament chairman.
The Alumni Association hosts the tournament to raise money to support an endowed scholarship it established through the Marshall University Foundation Inc. Each year, a senior at Tolsia High School, Fort Gay, WV, is awarded a four-year academic scholarship to Marshall University. This year’s award winner will share $12,000 for the 2017-18 school year with three previous Tolsia graduates, all of whom are designated by Marshall as “Fort Gay Scholars”. The alumni group has funded 58 scholarships to 25 scholars since the initial grant in 1999.
The entry fee is $50 per person, or $200 to sponsor a team of four persons. The fee includes the cost for cart, green fees, a continental breakfast, snacks, beverages, and lunch. There also will be prizes and awards.
“If you are unable to play, you can still help us raise money for the scholarship by sponsoring a golf hole for $100”, added Salmons. Please contact him at, or (606) 652-4048, if you wish to play in the tournament or want additional details about sponsorships.
On September 1, 2017, the Fort Gay, WV High School Alumni Association (FGHSAA) is hosting two (2) special events.
Alumni Banquet:
Who: Fort Gay High School (FGHS) alumni and their guests
Why: The Alumni Association will present its 2017 Distinguished Career Alumni Award to Mr. Wilts Salmons, former Wayne County Schools Superintendent; induct new members to the FGHSAA Sports Hall of Fame; and, honor alumni from the Class of 1967.
When: Friday, September 1, 2017, beginning with a reception at 5:00 p.m. and dinner at 6:00 p.m.
Where: First Baptist Church, 301 West Pike Street, Louisa, KY
Cost: Banquet tickets are $25 a person ($10 for children 12 and under) and must be purchased by August 25th. Please contact Rita Pelfrey at (304) 525-5563 or by email at:
Joe Damron Memorial Golf Tournament:
Who: Open to the Public
Why: The tournament is a major source of revenue for the Fort Gay HS Memorial Scholarship through the Marshall University Foundation.
When: Friday, September 1, 2017. Registration begins at 7:30 am and the best ball tournament starts at 9:00 am.
Where: Eagle Ridge Golf Course at Yatesville Lake State Park near Louisa, KY.
Cost: Entry fee of $50 per person ($200 per team) includes cart, green fees, continental breakfast, snacks, beverages, and lunch. There also will be prizes and awards. Please contact Paul Salmons at, or call him at (606) 652-4048, to sign up.
Media Contact:
David Unterwagner at or (618) 655-9851