MARCH 1, 2020 – written by WADE QUEEN
A quartet of Lawrence County residents found themselves ending their Leap Day by leaping into the beginning of March being housed at the Detention Center in Johnson County after being discovered in possession of quaintly of meth.
The official report from Louisa Chief Greg Fugitt in a press release:
“-On 2-29-20 Dice Officers from both the Lawrence County Sherriff Office and Louisa Police Department arrested Joe Warrix, Mark Caudill, Kelli King, and George Whittaker for trafficking methamphetamine 1st degree 1st offense greater than 2 grams. Officers served five warrants on Warrix. During Warrix’ arrest a large amount of methamphetamine was discovered in his pockets.
Mark Caudill was also charged with tampering with physical evidence for trying to hide a large amount of meth. Dice Officers seized 990$ cash, methamphetamine, cell phones, drug packaging equipment, and drug measuring equipment. Warrix was transported to TRMC by Net care where he was cleared to be transported to Big Sandy Regional Detention Center.”
{The four suspects were further identified as Joseph E. Warrix, 47; Kelli L. King, 30; Mark C. Caudill, 32, all of Louisa; along with George L. Whitaker, 46, of Blaine; all four were charged with: TRAFFICKING IN CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, 1ST DEGREE, 1ST OFFENSE – (> OR = 2 GRAMS METHAMPHETAMINE). Mark Caudill was also additionally charged with: TAMPERING WITH PHYSICAL EVIDENCE.}
The case remains under investigation by the arresting officers, chief deputy Mason Keefer and deputy Everett Chase Kirk.
There has to be more to this story. Definitely not enough there to charge everyone with trafficking. Seems like they are trying to beef up numbers…especially the sheriff office!!! Some shady stuff going on.
How about these people are criminals!! How about thanking our police for trying to stop illegal criminal activity!! These conspiracy theories couldn’t exist if those arrested weren’t doing illegal things!! Maybe you should take time to realize what efforts are being made so you and I can sleep safely at night! These officers risk their lives for ours! Unless you too are part of the problem!! Just saying
HaHa…not everyone that gets arrested with others are criminals. Just because someone is at same house as a “criminal“ doesn’t mean they were involved. They like to charge everyone in the house so they can look better. Conspiracy Theories? You sure do sound like you possibly were someone who was busting on law enforcement a few months ago when “efforts were being made so you and I can sleep safely at night!” by getting duis off the road in town. By the way no I’m not part of the problem, never been arrested or in trouble and don’t provide the means for others to cause issues or put others in danger either.