Blaine Elementary 8th Graders Kimberly Fugitt and Bella Griffith: LCS Mission and Pledge of Allegiance
3.A. Moment of Silence
3.D. Celebrating FFA: Declare FFA Week in Lawrence County Schools
Agriculture Education Week in Kentucky: Statewide March 17-21
KEEP Foundation Seattle Slew $5,000 Grant Awarded!
3.C. Blaine Elementary School Spotlight
4.A. Superintendent’s Update
4.A.1. Dr. Norman and Sue Edwards ACTC Scholarship Endowment for LCHS Graduates
4.A.2. Telehealth Option for LC Students-Partnership with Three Rivers Medical Center Clinics
4.A.3. LWES Principal Courtney Kingsmore selected for the 25-26 Leadership Institute for School Principals with all costs funded by the Kentucky Chamber Foundation
4.A.4. LCHS Boys Basketball Team is Region 15 Champions and headed to Rupp Arena next week! LCHS Girls Basketball Team was runner-up in regional competition.
4.A.5. In Regional Kentucky Governor’s Cup, Louisa Middle has three students advancing to State Finals; Louisa East Elementary is Regional Runner-Up, Regional Champion Future Problem Solving Team, Math Regional Champion, Language Arts Regional Champion, and 2nd Place Quick Recall
4.A.6. Louisa East Elementary’s 3rd grade student, Ellie Short, was recognized in Frankfort, KY on March 7 as the Area 8 Kentucky Conservation Jim Claypool Art Contest Winner
4.A.7. LC Music Hall of Fame Induction of James Ellis and Rose Murray during Music in Our Schools Month Concert at LCHS on March 18 at 10 am – Open to the Public
4.B. Public Comment
5.A. Approve Minutes of the February 18, 2025 Regular Meeting
5.B. Approve Claims and Orders of the Treasurer
5.C. Approve the Monthly Financial Report: Finance Officer Brandi Peters
5.C.1. Bank Reconciliation Report
5.C.2. MUNIS Balance Sheet and Monthly Financial Report
5.C.3. Finance Update
5.D. CONSENT AGENDA: Approve the Consent Agenda items:
5.D.1. Per diem and expenses for board members in attendance
5.D.2. Contracts/Services:
5.D.2.a. Steered Straight Vaping Assembly Service Agreement with LCHS FRYSC: $7,500
5.D.2.b. Varsity Yearbook Agreement with Fallsburg Elementary School: $882.00
5.D.2.c. Varsity Yearbook Agreement with Louisa Middle School: $2,967.00
5.D.2.d. Acceptance of FY2025 KETS Second Offer of Assistance for Education Technology in the total amount of $18,029, with equal match by the district
5.D.3. Requests:
5.D.3.a. Fundraisers: BES, FES, LMS, LCHS
5.D.3.b. Out-of-State Trip: Bus request for Fallsburg 5th grade students to travel to the Cincinnati Zoo, Ohio, May 22, 2025; Janelle Brojakowski
5.D.3.c. Use of Facilities: Louisa Middle for Annual 2025 Eastern KY Fire School hosted by Louisa Fire Department; May 2, 3, 4, 2025; Eddie Preston, Fire Chief; insurance provided
5.D.3.d. Use of Facilities: Louisa Middle School cafeteria for Annual Conservation Essay and Poster Winners Banquet; April 17, 2025; 5 to 8 pm; Kelli Hanshaw, Lawrence County Conservation District; insurance provided
5.D.3.e. Out-of-State Trip: LCHS students tour of the Greenbrier Bunker, WV, via Amtrak at Ashland, KY; May 14, 2025; David Prince
5.D.3.f. Out-of-State Trip: LCHS Boys Basketball Team to Marshall University, WV, for basketball practice; May 18, 2025; 4 pm -8 pm; Coach Chandler Thompson
5.D.3.g. Approve to accept donations: Lawrence County 4-H Council Farm to Table Donation-$4,651; Foothills Communications Softball Scoreboard Donation-$750; and Three Rivers Medical Center Softball Scoreboard Donation-$10,000
5.D.4. For Review/FYI: (no action required)
5.D.4.a. SBDM Council Minutes: FEB: BES MAR: FES, LWES, LEES, LMS
5.D.4.b. School Activity Reports/Reconciliations: February: All schools.
5.E.1. LCHS Vocational Education Center Renovation & Expansion Phase 1, BG: 22-146
5.E.1.a. Approve the monthly invoice for professional services by RossTarrant Architects, February 1 to February 28, 2025, Invoice No. 21080-30 for the LCHS Vocational Center Phase 1, New Carpentry Building & Greenhouse in the amount of $1,563.99
5.E.1.b. Approve Codell Construction Pay Application 16 for a total of $42,712.22 for work performed on the LCHS Vocational Education Center Renovation & Expansion Phase 1 BG: 22-146, which includes contractors, material suppliers, and construction manager invoices:
LCHS Vocational Education Center Renovation & Expansion Phase 1 |
BG: 22-146 |
Graybar Electric Company (BP#12) |
40,712.22 |
Codell Construction Management |
2,000.00 |
BG: 22-146 Pay Application 16 Total |
$42,712.22 |
5.E.2. Louisa Middle School Roof Replacement Project: BG: 24-113
5.E.2.a. Approve Codell Construction Pay Application 7 for a total of $235,469,110.00 for work performed on the Louisa Middle School Roof Replacement BG: 24-113, which includes contractors, material suppliers, and construction manager invoices:
Louisa Middle School Roof Replacement Project |
BG: 24-113 |
Kalkreuth Roofing & Sheet (BP#1) |
$ 214,110.00 |
Codell Construction Management |
21,359.65 |
BG: 24-113 Pay Application 7 Total |
$ 235,469.65 |
5.E.3. Building and Grounds Maintenance/Upgrades
5.E.3.a. Approve to award the bid for grass mowing services for the 2025 season
5.F. Approve to award bids for vehicles declared as surplus
5.G. Current School Year Calendar Update
5.H. 2025-26 CALENDAR: Approve the 2025-2026 Lawrence County School District Calendar, along with the attendance months, as the Option 1 calendar, one of the two options recommended to the Board by the District Calendar Committee and which has a full 5-day Fall Break, a full 5-day Thanksgiving Break, and August 13 as the first day of student attendance, presented on the recommendation of Superintendent Webb based on the survey results of staff (75.6% in favor of Option 1), parents/ guardians (70.6% in favor of Option 1), and (at the request of the Board) students/current juniors at LCHS (51.6% in favor of Option 1), noting that Superintendent Webb’s preference is a calendar with an earlier start date and more flexible options for addressing weather/safety-related make-up days given the challenges faced by the district in the 24-25 school year
5.I. Approve to appoint Phillip Hunt with Debbie Cordle as the Agent of Record regarding District Insurances for the 2025-2026 school year
5.J. Approve a Shortened School Day Waiver for a special needs student
5.K. Approve to enter Executive Session for the purpose of Student Discipline/Expulsion Hearing(s) pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f)
5.L. Approve to return to Open Session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f)
6.A. Approve abolishment, creation, and changes regarding positions
6.B. Approve 2025-2026 Lawrence County Schools Payroll Calendar which includes the 2025-2026 Athletic Extra Duty Payroll Calendar
6.C. Superintendent Professional Growth and Evaluation: Katie H. Webb
6.C.1. Standard 7 Influential Leadership
6.D. Approve to acknowledge receipt of Superintendent’s Personnel Action/Update