Louisa City Council
Special Meeting
August 24, 2021–6:00pm
Louisa City Hall
Minutes by Kathy Compton, City Clerk
Present: Mayor Harold Slone
Gary Robertson, Council (Zoom), Ashley Caudill, Council Lisa Schaeffer, Council Robert J McClanahan, Council, Tom Parsons, Council
Absent: Matt Brown, Council
Mayor Slone called the meeting to order.
Joey McClanahan led the pledge. Tom Parsons led the prayer.
Mayor Slone updated council on projects. He has been in contact with the state about blacktopping Lock Avenue. They will not do it while Septemberfest is going on. Per Council request, Mayor Slone has been in contact with different surveyors about annexation cost. He will have more information at a later meeting.
Old Business:
Gary Robertson made the motion to approve the minutes for July 20, 2021. Ashley Caudill seconded. The vote was unanimous.
New Business:
Tom Parsons made the motion to approve Resolution 2021-05, CDBG fund to renovate fire station 1, and make improvement to city hall. Lisa Schaeffer seconded. The vote was unanimous. This resolution was done in 2017 but needed to be redone because that was too long ago.
Tom Parsons made the motion to keep the same tax rate as last year at 2.40 per $100.00 of assessed value. Joey McClanahan seconded. The vote was Schaeffer, no; Parsons, yes; Caudill, yes; McClanahan, yes and Robertson, yes. The vote passed with 4 yes and 1 no.
Lisa Schaeffer made the motion to set the motor vehicle rate the same as last year at 20 cents per $100.00 of assessed value and to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2021-05, “An Ordinance Relating To The Valuation and Taxation of Property Within The City of Louisa”. Tom Parsons seconded. The vote was Parsons, yes; Schaeffer, no; Caudill, yes; McClanahan, yes and Robertson, yes. The vote passed with 4 yes and 1 no.
The Code Enforcement Ordinance will be discussed a t the next meeting.
Council Comments:
Audience Comments:
Executive Session.
There was one item for executive session. Ashley Caudill made the motion to go into executive session. Joey McClanahan seconded. The vote was unanimous.
Tom Parsons made the motion to go into open session. Ashley Caudill seconded. The vote was unanimous. Possible sale of property was discussed. No action was taken.
Mayor Slone spoke to the press about getting correct information to the citizens of Louisa.
Joey McClanahan made the motion to adjourn. Ashley Caudill seconded. The vote was unanimous.
There it is listed! Why should your taxes be lower…NONE! Everyone gets on here and I’m sure Facebook and cries about the tax rate, but when it comes to public comments, there were…NONE! Not a damn one.