This female has came a long ways since I got her from Randy Smith. Her style has seemed to develop here in the last couple weeks or so. When she first started she would work a track and maybe not be able to figure it out then move on. She has kicked it into high gear and has been moving as good as any I have hunted. She is one that I can honestly say here where I hunt she “flys around”. She’s not an ambush dog as you will see in the videos of her. She works and runs tracks, but she sprints all out to find one to work. She has a high level of drive and heart. I need to start hunting her with company to see how she handles that. A lot of dogs seem to find another gear when put down with other dogs. If she finds another gear with company she will move as good as I have ever seen. By the time I recast her and look at my Garmin she usually surprises me at where she ended up so quick. She is owned by Randy Smith. She is out of Little Money and Lone Pine Quick Shot.

Ever been to a coon dog race?
Best sport ever!