Vote NO on Amendment 2
Every attempt to establish vouchers for private schools has been declared unconstitutional. Voucher supporters are now asking voters to change the constitution to allow legislators to disregard seven sections of our constitution requiring public funds to be used for public schools and not diverted to private schools for the few.
Based on Florida’s voucher model, Kentucky public schools could lose almost $1.2B in funding and 9,869 staff positions under Amendment 2, yet the expensive mailers you are receiving would have you believe Amendment 2 will increase public school funding and teacher salaries!
Amendment 2 would actually be a handout to families who can already afford to send their children to private schools. Up to 90% of the vouchers in other states go to students who have never set foot in a public school.
The state guarantees $4,326 for every student in public education. Most public schools get additional funding for low-income nutrition programs, disadvantaged students and disabled students – students private schools don’t serve, don’t have the resources to serve, and quite frankly – don’t want to serve.
The disadvantaged students who proponents of Amendment 2 say vouchers will help simply cannot afford the cost and exclusivity of private schools enjoyed by the select few – which, quite frankly, is why many parents choose private schools.
The legislature should focus on funding our public schools at the levels needed to attract and retain good teachers and other school staff.
Please vote NO on Amendment 2.
Dr. Jesse Bacon, President and Dr. Rhonda Caldwell, Chief Executive Officer, KY Association of School Administrators
This article makes no real argument to vote no. Just says people sending kids to private school can afford to do so and they dont need the money. Here is the thing, everyone pays school taxes. So if you have a child that goes to school that cost is covered. But yet if you make too much money you have to pay to send your kid to preschool in our public schools. Its only free for some. Now why shouldn’t the money follow the child? If you send your kid to Millard wouldn’t it reduce the cost you have to pay? Why does income matter if you can afford to send them or not? It’s your portion of the tax money for your child. Its like saying you shouldn’t get your Social Security you were forced to pay into just because you don’t need the money to live. If your child was in a orange public school ( I think worse color for testing) and you got the chance to send them to a private school where the education could be better why wouldn’t you? Is keeping the failing public school funded with your tax dollars more important than your child’s education? I do see pitfalls with this amendment but I find it a hard argument that the money shouldn’t follow the child where ever they go to school. It’s not a money problem that’s wrong with public schools. The school system is not out for the good of the child. Generally speaking It’s corrupt, wrong headed, wastes money on too much noneducational things, puts staff and teachers needs above the children’s, teaches based on schedule instead of a child’s progress, has tenor so bad teachers stay in the system, under pays the good teachers, and promtes ungodly principles. All that said no wonder parents look for alternative education. I will vote yes on this amendment with reservation. Yes my kids attend public school. Let the funding follow the child! If you want to save public schools revamp the entire system. If not it will continue to decline no matter the amount of funding
What about the poor kids who can’t afford a ride to a private school? Or can’t get in a private school for religious reasons? They are already behind enough now you want to put them father behind.
I say pass a constitutional amendment if you have no kids or no kids in school let the money come back to the property owners. That’s basically your argument.
I am voting YES, it’s time these MAGA VOTERS get what they deserve
I have been mailed 4 flyers with the MAGA King endorsing me to pay for private school he knows what’s best for us. So yes, all MAGA Voter’s vote YES, the KING is never wrong.