Louisa City Council met in regular session on February 13, 2024 at 6pm.
Council Members in attendance were Coty Roe, Rose Lester, Caleb Farley, Joey McClanahan, and Keith Chaffin.
The following agenda items were addressed:
- Approve Minute from 1/9/2024. Motion by Coty Roe, Second by Keith Chaffin. All approve.
- Second reading of Ordinance 15-02-3A, “Amendment to Ordinance Regulation the Application for sale of Alcoholic Beverages and Establishing Licenses and Fees”. Motion to approve by Caleb Farley, Second by Joey McClanahan. Unanimous approval.
- Second reading of Ordinance 2023-02A, “Amendment to Ordinance Relating to Compensation of City Employees Pursuant to KRS 83A.070”. Motion to approve by Keith Chaffin, Second by Coty Roe. Unanimous approval.
- Auditor Jim Bryant presented audit results for Fiscal Year ending 6/30/2023. Audit report indicates the City is in good standing with no delinquencies or poor remarks identified.
- Resolution 24-01, Resolution of the City of Louisa Concerning the City Road System was tabled until a future meeting.
- Change city vehicle GPS provider from Verizon to WEX. Motion to approve, Joey McClanahan. Second by Caleb Farley. Unanimous approval.
- Meeting adjourned 7:28pm