Sherry Bowen, 39 was arraigned on 3 separate cases with the charges of complicity possession of a controlled substance, complicity drug paraphernalia, Fraudulent Use of ID card for benefits and trafficking in a controlled substance, drug unspecified.
The pretrial date was set for 8-23-19. Defendant given home incarceration as bond.
Alexis Boyd, 25 was given a graduated sanction on a motion to revoke felony probation.
William Coffee, 30 was sentenced to 2 years for possession of a controlled substance, 1st degree and 12 months for possession of drug paraphernalia.
All sentences are probated over 2 years with a pretrial diversion.
Sarah Debord, 30 was scheduled to be arraigned on complicity trafficking, 1st degree, tampering with physical evidence and possession of drug paraphernalia.
The defendant was not present and a bench warrant was issued.
Madison Evans, 22 was on the docket for a change of plea on complicity robbery 2nd degree, complicity trafficking in methamphetamine, complicity 4th degree assault (minor injury), complicity to possess drug paraphernalia and Complicity trafficking marIjuana, less than 8 oz, enhanceable.
The defendant was not present and a bench warrant was issued.
Bobby Farmer, 29 pled guilty to complicity possession of a controlled substance, methamphetamine and was sentenced to 2 years supervised probation with a pretrial diversion.
Kenneth Fitch, 46 pled guilty to complicity burglary 3rd degree, fleeing or evading police, Wanton Endangerment, 1st degree possession of Cocaine, 1st offense and possession of drug paraphernalia.
With all charges running concurrent, the defendant is sentenced to 5 years of supervised probation and drug court if accepted.
Dustin Fyffe, 30 was arraigned on possession of a controlled substance, 1st degree and Possession of a controlled substance, 3rd degree.
Pretrial set for 9-13-19.
James Gartin, 56 was present on Rape, 1st degree, 2 count of sodomy both with the victim under the age of 12.
The case was reset for next month and an ‘order person’ to prepare sex offender report. Case was reset for 8-23-19
Justin Hager, 32 was scheduled to be arraigned on complicity theft by unlawful taking under/$10,000.
The defendant was not present and a bench warrant was issued.
Paul Jenkins, 39 was sentenced to 10 years for complicity trafficking in a controlled substance and 12 months for complicity possession of drug paraphernalia and persistent felony offender was dismissed.
The defendant will do 5 years supervised probation with other conditions.
Wallace Kazee, 25 was sentenced to 2 years supervised probation with a diversion for possession of a controlled substance.
Travis Lay, 23 had bench warrant withdrawn and was sentenced to 5 years for burglary, 3rd degree enhanced to 10 years for persistent felony offender with the defendant doing 5 years of supervised probation and other conditions.
Carl Marcum, 31 pled guilty to possession of a controlled substance and was sentenced to 2 years supervised probation with a pretrial diversion.
Brandie Mollette, 34 sentencing was reset to 9-13-19 for complicity trafficking in methamphetamine, complicity tampering with physical evidence and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Eric Osbourne, 46 was sentenced to 3 years probation on complicity trafficking in a controlled substance, 1st degree and 12 months for possession of drug paraphernalia with persistent felony offender dismissed.
The defendant will do 3 years of probation with other conditions.
Jessie Parks, 34 was arraigned on complicity trafficking in a controlled substance, 1st degree and complicity possession of drug paraphernalia.
Pretrial set for 9-13-19. Defendant given in home incarceration for bond.
Monica Parks, 35 was arraigned on complicity trafficking in a controlled substance, 1st degree and complicity possession of drug paraphernalia.
Pretrial set for 9-13-19.
Matthew Salyer, 31 was arraigned for Rape, 1st degree. Appointment of counsel was denied by Judge Preston and the defendant was given until 9-1-19 to pay $500.00 toward same.
Pretrial was set for 9-13-19 and defendant remains on home incarceration bond.
Billy Stone, 58 was sentenced to 5 years probation (unsupervised) and other conditions for Robbery 1st degree.
Eric Ward, 24 was arraigned on Possession of a controlled substance, methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia. Pretrial set for 9-13-19
Jeffery Webb, 50 pled guilty to Theft or Disp. contents from a vehicle under $500 and was sentenced to 12 months, sentenced to 90 days and other conditions for public intoxication. Burglary and Persistent felony offender charges were dismissed.
Alexis Boyd??
No wonder these people don’t care to get into trouble, they all get probation. But, then again that’s Tony Skeens for you.