Click on above link to see all BOE salaries. This list of salaries includes the pay raises given to food service staff because it took effect in October. It does not include the pay raises for the remainder of our classified staff because those new salaries have NOT taken effect yet. –R. Fletcher
In coming days we will list the positions and salaries of all Lawrence County, Kentucky taxing district employees.
It’s absolutely embarrassing that Robbie Fletcher makes $137,000 and starting teachers are making $36,000. Embarrassing!!!!! The board should be ashamed for paying him so much and he should be ashamed that he is paid so much while his employees are paid like crap.
Looks like to me most make around 50-60 per year. Not bad for summers ( two months) off and all holidays off plus everytime it comes a heavy frost, fall break , xmas break , spring break. Then be in classroom 6 hours a day. Please comment if you like this schedule.
You obviously don’t work in a school or have a loved one that does, because if you did you would know why this is so untrue. First of all, teachers do not get paid for summers off. Their pay is divided through the year so that they receive a pay check through the summer. And those that are getting the 50-60,00 are those with many years experience and multiple degrees so that they can have a liveable wage. Also, the income you see is not what we take home. What you see is without our deductions such a health insurance, retirement, disability insurance, life insurance, etc. You also don’t take into account all of the extra work we do. We are working with a sub shortage so if a fellow teacher has to be out we have to cover and barely have time to go to the bathroom., we must work extracurricular activities with no pay. Most of us work on weekends preparing for the next week and evenings preparing for the next day because we don’t get a break to do it. Oh, and let’s not forget that it is ok for us to take a bullet for your kid if God forbid the unthinkable ever happened, but how dare we make a liveable wage, which by the way has not at all kept up with inflation.
Why don’t they list the pay for extra duty such as extra runs or security that some of the kids butts get. Some drivers get multiple extra runs a week and get to do security and their regular routes. While other drivers are only offered less than 10 extra runs a year. Guess you have to know certain people or be someone who does Christmas for 102 kids to get the special treatment!
I am a senior citizen and I would be in 7th heaven if I made 36,000. But then I am not trying to raise and feed children. There are always. Two sides to everything.
Oh, I forgot. 10-12 personal ,sick days they can take anytime ; usually on Fridays.
Actually we get 10 sick days and 2 personal days. I would dare to guess that 90% of the teachers are female and most are mothers also. We have kids that get sick and have appointments that we have to take them to. We get sick ourselves because we work in a germ factory enclosed in a room with kids that are sent to school sick. We work when we are sick because we feel guilty leaving our students but also leaving our coworkers to have to cover classes because we don’t have enough subs.
We wish….🤣
That is why there are few teachers who ever work a full week. The co- worker BS is laughable. Dont want to leave their students im LMAO.
Wow! You obviously don’t work in the same school I do.