LOUISA, Ky. –– Two days after thelevisalazer.com posted a story which quoted state auditor Mike Harmon’s audit of the Phillip Carter fiscal court that found five glaring problems, including the charge Carter and the fiscal court awarded nearly $1.2 million in contracts to his daughter. We received a neat package today of what appears to be an “insider” dossier on the contracts awarded to a company, Amber Lea Contracting, LLC, which is at least partly owned by Sabrina Young. Carter’s daughter..
Anybody want to surmise who sent the package?
Here is the first two pages of the information which ranges from auditor’s findings to Attorney general and Secretary of state information turned in against Carter.
Mr. Grayson,
I’ve read your recent reporting in the Levisa Lazer regarding Lawrence County Fiscal Court’s illegal
special meetings as well as the recent State Auditor’s report. There is more information which must be
brought to the public’s attention. The Kentucky State Auditor’s most recent report details the illegal and
unethical business practices of Judge Carter and the Lawrence County Fiscal Court. However, this is only
a snapshot of Judge Carter’s wrong doings.
Judge Carter and the Fiscal Court have been violating Kentucky Statute since 2019 by awarding contracts
and distributing public funds to businesses and individuals associated with immediate family members
of Carter.
According to Lawrence County Fiscal Court financial records between 2020 and May 2023 nearly $1.2
million has been paid to Amber Lea Contractors. Carter’s son-in-law, Timothy Young of Meade Branch
Rd., is listed as a member of this business on the KY Secretary of State website and has been since 2021.
According to Lawrence County Fiscal Court records, there have been only been two bid reviews during
Carter’s terms in which bids were awarded to Amber Lea Contractors.
According to Lawrence County Fiscal Court financial records, between the years of 2020- May 2022,
Amber Lea Contractors were issued payments totaling $577,979.32. As of May 2023, Lawrence County
Fiscal Court has paid Amber Lea Contractors an additional $596,800.60 bringing the total payments to
Amber Lea Contractors under Judge Carter’s current and previous term to $1,174,779.92. All of these
payments are made from the county’s Road Fund or Emergency Road Fund.
In November 2020 two companies bid During the regular November 17, 2020 Fiscal Court meeting the court accepted the bid from Amber Lea Contractors. In November 2021, three companies submitted bids to the Fiscal Court for the same type of materials and services including Amber Lea Contractors, Nattco, Inc. and Pinkerton Drilling. Amber Lea Contractors were again awarded the bid on November 23, 2021 at the regular Fiscal Court meeting.
The 2021, 2022, and 2023 online Secretary of State Annual Report filings list Timothy Young (392
Meades Branch Rd. Louisa, KY 41230) as “Member” of Amber Lea Contractors. Timothy Allen Young and
Sabrina Gaynelle Young (392 Meades Branch Rd. Louisa, KY 41230) are also listed as “Directors” of
Young’s Equipment Repair Incorporated, according to the 2021 and 2022 online Secretary of State
Annual Report filings.
Again, Timothy Young is Judge Carter’s son-in-law. Sabrina Young is Judge Carter’s daughter.
Fiscal Court financial documents also suggest additional familial dealings:
Carter Auto Sales (Registered to: Phillip Carter)
2019: $4,178.21
Highway 2565 Auto Sales (Registered to: Sabrina Young)
2019: $2,800.00
Charles Arrington (Judge Carter’s Brother-in-law)
2019: $9,000
Leslie Carter (Judge Carter’s Brother)
2021: $7,000.00
Phillip Carter
2019-2021: $6,706.55
Donald Carter (Judge Carter’s Brother)
2019: Appointment to County Road Foreman – $40,000 annually
The KY State Auditors report only provided a snapshot of time – detailing the most recent fiscal year. As
one of the only local news sources this county has, it is imperative the full scope of information is
provided to taxpayers. It’s obvious you are aware and already reporting Judge Carter and the Fiscal
Court’s unlawful and dishonest business practices based on your recent stories.
This most recent audit also states Judge Carter’s mishandling of taxpayer funds violates the County’s
Ethics Code and would be reported to the Lawrence County Ethics Committee. Who is on that
committee? The public needs to know. Will these decisions by our elected officials be appropriately
handled or will the good ol’ boy system prevail and allow Judge Carter and the Fiscal Court to continue
their misdeeds in the dark?
We need a local news source to pour sunlight on the Carter administration.
Taxpayers deserve to know how their money is being spent and who it is being given to.
* It should also be noted that in the June 2023 minutes, the Road Emergency Fund Bills page is missing
from the document. The summary page of bills indicates the Road Emergency Fund Bills at $161,331.50.
The Road Fund Receipts page indicates a transfer from the Road Emergency Fund to the Road Fund of
$100,000.00 – leaving $61,331.50 unaccounted for.
Thank you for your time.
The Lazer posted the names of all committee and board members appointed by fiscal court a few weeks ago. Here is the Ethics Committee:
Ethics Board
Bill Hardin
Neil Wilson
Elaine DeSario
Sharon Brown
Todd Moran
Commonwealth’s Attorney Tony Skeans said the responsibility for seeking indictments could ultimately come down to him.
“If investigated it would probably be KSP DESI. Feds would have jurisdiction and potentially if they don’t, so would I. I have no direct knowledge of the allegations, though,” Skeans said Friday.
Who sent the package?
Are those working for Carter turning in info?
This is a serious case, millions of taxpayer dollars involved, ethics disaster…
If this is true and is criminal, the whole gang needs to be indicted.
This is what happens when one party controls everything no checks and balance.
What a joke! I know Phil he takes care of his people just like every administration before him and every administration after him will. If ANYONE says they wouldn’t give business to their family first they are completely lying. Phil is a lot of things but not a thief. If you want to call him anything it’s LOYAL.
Morals… someone with morals and common sense wouldn’t. With that logic, let’s just go back to monarchy right?
You are blind
This should raise a few eyebrows
Anyone seen Daniel Cameron?
Where was this package mailed from? It should have NEVER been mailed without a return address because it’s considered anonymous Mail. I would not have let that package have postage on it without that and that is from a post office.
Yeah I’m an employee but we were taught during training that it’s considered an anonymous package without a return address. Sorry but my last paycheck came from Usps so that makes me what .
My question is, where is all these roads that have supposedly been fix, or worked on?
Open Boons landing back up to the public!
Time to take out the trash
This doesn’t just happen in your county it’s in every county in Eastern Kentucky and in other states as well. Nothing is done honestly in a court system where money is involved. I have always said that Eastern Kentucky has the best politicians money can buy.
More fake news. Does anyone trust any media outlet these days? Can you say Russia collusion? Wow fake news sent straight to the Lazer. How convenient. As for Cameron , he’s out working against Transy Beshear who’s trying to turn boys into girls and girls into boys.
And we need money for a new elementary school. Sickening! I always loved Phil but this right here is wrong!!!
If that package was just a little clearer, we could scan the barcode or enter the tracking number in the USPS app and find out what city it was shipped from. That wouldn’t tell us much though.
So what if it was family..geez. The jobs got done. The fiscal court can accept or reject any bid they want too. Was their bid the lowest? No one wants to find that little tidbit out.
It’s very obvious who is making some of the negative comments by your comments. You all have a personal axe to grind and it’s quite obvious, maybe you didn’t get a favor you asked etc.. I’m sure you’ve got a bad case of the red arse about something you wanted so you’re gonna grab your bottle and cry. I know for a fact some commenting and posting negativity are only doing because, you lost an election to Mr Carter, or your son in law got caught up in getting a company he works for the award for the school project. I could go on and on.
Grant money can be ear marked for certain projects, there can be a time limit for those funds to be spent or you lose it. Don’t be ignorant of how the ear marks for funds work, but most commenting negativily wouldn’t know how to begin or wants to put forth the energy to look this information up.
Put up or shut up. Walk a mile in running a county as large as Lawrence County before you start bashing. How many of you have even put forth the energy to go to a fiscal court meeting so you can participate with your input? I bet none of you!!!
Thy Ky state auditor done the investigation he is a republican just read the report it doesn’t look good for the Lawrence county fiscal court.
There’s no fake news here just what the republican state auditor wrote.
How many fiscal court meetings have you attended in the last 6 months?
Awww shucks, I’ll answer my own question…YOU HAVEN’T BEEN TO ONE!!
You’re nothing but a keyboard warrior with nothing better to do than make a fool of yourself time after time on almost every story on this page.
Davey don’t blame me the Republican Ky State Auditor said the Lawrence County Fiscal Court had some problems not me.
Hahah spot on! So accurate made me literally laugh out loud! I’d love to know who the weasel is and I’m sure many many others would as well!
Tommy the state does a audit every so often that’s how they caught the missing funds.
And it’s done by a fellow republican.
Maybe that’s why they wouldn’t tell the Levisa Lazer when their meetings are scheduled.
If this is all true then yes the individual should have to answer no doubt at all wrong is wrong right is right. Prior to this I thought he was doing an excellent job myself. But I’m sure you, being such a die hard democrat no matter what until the end would disagree. I hope if you have grandchildren you don’t teach them to be this bitter. We need to unify one another no matter the party. I know all you can do is scream orange man bad! That’s the past move on already!!! Sheesh!!!!
If Phil broke the law, he obviously needs to be held accountable. Once all the records, receipts, etc., are looked it, the evidence will tell the tale. 1.2 million to your daughter though? That’s just obviously asking to be investigated thoroughly. Put the administration under the microscope of the authorities. See what, who, when, where and how tax payers money is being spent. Ethically and morally speaking, it looks horrible, and any adult can plainly see that.
Absolutely! If the Lawrence County Attorney can go to jail for funneling money to his wife, then the judge executive needs some the same way for funneling money to his daughter.
Tommy I voted for Phil 2 times but if he and the fiscal members can’t count for missing money time to clean house
Whadda we got here another Biden situation?
No wonder he couldn’t afford to help the animal shelter anymore.
Phil an his family all need to be held accountable for their actions if Mike hogan can go down for helping his wife what makes Phil any different the roads have all been neglected because he was making hand outs to his family of all our hard earned tax dollars!! DO SOMETHING ALREADY ANYONE ONE ELSE SICK TO DEATH OF THIS S—!!