Cody G. Spears, 25, of Lovely,Kentucky; was arrested on September 2,2021,at 1:22 P.M.,in Martin County Court, by the Martin County Sheriff Department, & was charged with: • TRAFFiICKING IN CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 1ST OFFENSE (HEROIN)-[2 SEPARATE CHARGES COUNTS].
Christopher E. Timms, 33, of Inez, Kentucky; was arrested on September 2, 2021, at 1:38 P.M., by Constable Brad Preece, of the Martin County Constable Office-District 4, and was charged with: • POSSESSION CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 1ST DEGREE, 1ST OFFENSE (METHAMPHETAMINE).
Rhodes Dials, 35, of Inez,Kentucky; was arrested on September 3,2021,at 12:32 A.M., by Constable Brad Preece, of the Martin County Constable Office-District 4, and was charged with: • SERVING BENCH WARRANT FOR COURT.
Kobe B. Davis, 26, of Warfield, Kentucky; was arrested on September 2,2021,at 12:41 A.M.,by deputy David Adams,of the Martin County Sheriff Department,& was charged with via a grand jury indictment: • IMPORTING CARFENTANIL, FENTANYL, OR FENTANYL DERIVATIVES.
Barbara Gordon, 41, of Debord,Kentucky; was arrested on September 3,2021, at 2:17 A.M.,by deputy David Adams,of the Martin County Sheriff Department,& was charged with via a grand jury indictment: • POSSESSION CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 1ST DEGREE, 1ST OFFENSE (METHAMPHETAMINE).
Edgar Maynard Jr., 28, of Inez,Kentucky; was arrested on September 3,2021, at 2:17 A.M., by deputy David Adams, of the Martin County Sheriff Department, and was charged: • SERVING BENCH WARRANT FOR COURT.
Jonann L. McKinley, 38, of Lovely, Kentucky; was arrested on September 3, 2021, at 10:18 P.M., by a trooper of the Kentucky State Police, Post 9 – Pikeville, Ky., and was charged with: • PUBLIC INTOXICATION CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (EXCLUDES ALCOHOL).
Tangarie L. Mollette,47, of Inez, Kentucky; was arrested on September 4, 2021, at 8:45 P.M.,by a trooper of the Kentucky State Police, Post 9 – Pikeville, Ky., and was charged with: • CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 3RD DEGREE.
Robert M. Moore,34, of Debord, Kentucky; was arrested on September 6, 2021, at 1:41 P.M., by deputy William Tyler Lafferety, of the Martin County Sheriff Department, and was charged with: • SERVING BENCH WARRANT FOR COURT.
John Slone, 35, of Williamson, West Virginia; was arrested on September 7, 2021, at 5:11 A.M., by trooper Ryan Hale, of the Kentucky State Police, Post 9 – Pikeville, Ky., & was charged with:• FAILURE TO APPEAR, • WANTON ENDANGERMENT-1ST DEGREE, • POSSESSION OF HANDGUN BY CONVICTED FELON, • PUBLIC INTOXICATION-CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE (EXCLUDES ALCOHOL).
Betty Allen, 29, of Kermit, West Virginia; was arrested on September 7, 2021, at 1:41 P.M., by Sheriff John H. Kirk, and deputy William Tyler Lafferety, of the Martin County Sheriff Department, and was charged with: • DISORDERLY CONDUCT, 2ND DEGREE, • CRIMINAL LITTERING.
Eddie Maynard, 57, of Kermit,West Virginia; was arrested on September 8,2021, at 4:20 P.M., by Sheriff John H. Kirk, of the Martin County Sheriff Department, and was charged with: • SERVING BENCH WARRANT FOR COURT.
Haskell B. Mills,40,of Inez,Kentucky;was arrested on in Johnson County on September 8, 2021,at 4:25 P.M., by the Johnson County Sheriff Department, & was charged with: • WANTON ENDANGERMENT-1ST DEGREE,
Lonnie R. Jude, 44, of Pilgrim, Kentucky; was arrested on September 8, 2021, at 9:03 A.M.,by Constable Brad Preece,of the Martin County Constable Office-District 4,& was charged with: • POSSESSION CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 1ST DEGREE 1ST OFFENSE (HEROIN).
William Ray Evans, 52, of Warfield, Kentucky; was arrested on September 10,2021, at 8:38 P.M., by deputy David Adams, of the Martin County Sheriff Department, and was charged: • RESISTING ARREST, • MENACING.
Jamie R. Evans, 27, of Lovely, Kentucky; was arrested on September 10,2021, at 8:38 P.M., by Sheriff John H. Kirk, of the Martin County Sheriff Department, & was charged: • BURGLARY, 2ND DEGREE, • RESISTING ARREST, • FLEEING OR EVADING POLICE, 2ND DEGREE (ON FOOT), • DISORDERLY CONDUCT, 1ST DEGREE, • MENACING
Amos R. Evans, 44, of Lovely,Kentucky; was arrested on September 10,2021, at 8:47 P.M., by deputy David Adams, of the Martin County Sheriff Department, and was charged: • MENACING.
Micheal Harmon, 31, of Louisa,Kentucky; was arrested on September 16,2021,at 4:38 P.M.,by the Martin County Sheriff Department, and was charged with:
Sarah Beth Mollette, 28,of Inez,Kentucky; was arrested and brought to Martin County on August 30, 2021, and was then lodged at the BSRDC in Paintsville,Ky., at 8:08 P.M.,by the Martin County Sheriff Department, and was charged via a bench warrant:
MarlenaA . Evans, 43, of Lovely,Kentucky; was served an indictment warrant at the Big Sandy Regional Detention Center in Paintsville, on September 2, 2021, by the Martin County Sheriff Department, and was charged:
Jeffrey Layne Tackett, 29, of Paintsville,Kentucky; was arrested on September 8,2021, by deputy David Adams,of the Martin County Sheriff Department, and was charged with: • SERVING BENCH WARRANT FOR COURT.
Heather Nicole Drews, 42,of Covington,Kentucky;was arrested on September10,2021, by deputy William Tyler Lafferty, of the Martin County Sheriff Department, and was charged with: • SERVING BENCH WARRANT FOR COURT. Heather Drews was wanted on several warrants out of Kenton County Kentucky.
KendraL. Preece, 44 , of Lovely,Kentucky; was arrested on September 10,2021, at 8:47 P.M., by deputy David Adams, of the Martin County Sheriff Department, and was charged: • SERVING BENCH WARRANT FOR COURT. The bench warrant was for:• CONTEMPT OF COURT LIBEL/ SLANDER RESISTANCE TO ORDER.
BrianDale Lowe, 51 , of Lovely,Kentucky; was arrested on September 10,2021, at 8:56 P.M., by deputy David Adams, of the Martin County Sheriff Department, and was charged with via a bench warrant:• CONTEMPT OF COURT LIBEL/ SLANDER RESISTANCE TO ORDER.
Vicie M. Chapman, 29, of Columbus, Ohio; was taken into custody on September 16, 2021, at 11:57 P.M.,by deputy David Adams,of the Martin County Sheriff Department, to serve a guilty plea jail sentence, “weekender”: • CONTEMPT OF COURT LIBEL/ SLANDER RESISTANCE TO ORDER.
where do you go when the police prosecutor and entire courthouse act in treasonal behavior not in the commonwealths best interests? i have evidence of this and the sheriff department and prosecutor have not only failed to protect a law abiding citizen who refuses to allow state sanctioned treason by members of inez courthouse?
Treason margaret? I’m sure it’s the same ol, same ol of Eastern KY politics, but look up the definition of treason and I don’t think that can be even charged at the county or state level?