- Louisa City Council met in Regular Session on March 13, 2019 at 7pm, with Mayor Harold Slone presiding. Council members in attendance were Gary Robertson, Tom Parsons, Lisa Schaeffer, and Mitch Castle.
- Meting called to order at 7:16pm.
- Motion by Lisa Schaeffer, Second by Tom Parsons to approve minutes from February 2019 meeting. All approve.
- Mayor provided council with an update for the Utilities dept. Downtown Water Rehabilitation project. Bids for construction were opened on 3/6/2019. Troy Hogge of Ky Engineering Group updated council on the financials of the project. The low bidder for the construction was Frederick and May Construction of West Liberty, KY in the amount of $717,835. Total Final construction price of $680,855 after adjustment for contingency . Mayor stressed the need for this project due to age and continued problems with leaks in the area. He also advised that 50% of the cost would be forgiven with a grant From KIA. Motion Mitch Castle, Second by Gary Robertson, by to award the construction contract to the lowest bidder, Frederick and May Construction. All approve.
- Discussed Personnel policy. Council requested additional time to review. Will re-visit at the April 2019 meeting.
- Council reviewed tourism board appointee, Julie Patel, owner of Budget Inn. Ms. Patel was already approved by the Fiscal Court, Tourism board requires approval by city council as well. Motion by Mitch Castle, Second by Lisa Scaheffer, all approve.
- Mayor requested from council, approval to advertise for bids on vehicle fleet management services. City is currently using Enterprise Fleet Management for lease and purchase of vehicles. Mayor advised that city must advertise for bids for new Fleet Management Lease Services. Motion by Tom Parson, Second by Lisa Schaeffer to approve advertising for Fleet Management Services, Pending Attorney Bud Adams approval. All approve.
- Council discussed trash can program introduced in the February meeting. Heard from two citizens, one who voiced concerns over cost increases to citizens, but was supportive of the cans if the increase was in the $1-2, range if it would help with trash collection, council indicated that any increase would likely be in that range. Another citizen voiced support of the cans. Council determined the Issue will be re-visited at the April 2019 meeting after review of budget numbers.
- Motion to adjourn, Mitch Castle, Second Lisa Schaeffer. 8:38pm
I’m against the idea of those garbage cans!!!! Don’t want anything to do with it period!!!!! I have my own & WILL NOT use any cans the city gives, it’s silly!!!!! I hope they don’t try to force something, just my thoughts & opinion.
I agree, i have had the same can for years. It’s identical to theirs only a different color and never had any complaints or problems. I will continue to use mine. No thanks!
Anything to get more money from the citizens. They are not saying how long an extra $1-$2 would last on bills….hmm. If people already has garbage cans why put more of a burden on them by upping their bills.
And…you’re welcome Louisa for our tax dollars paying for the water rehab project….since a grant is taxpayers money. The word “Grant” is thrown around like it’s free money. It’s not free, it’s from the hard working taxpayers!!!!
It takes money to run a city think about that.