SEPT. 22, 2017
Louisa Rotarians met for their weekly meeting today, Thursday, September 21st. The main meeting began as usual with a prayer for the community, the Pledge of Allegiance and four-way test.
New member, Roger Lee Jordan, Lawrence County Jailer was presented with his membership packet and welcome to the club.
Ms. Adrienne Lewis was presented the Paul Harris Fellow award, one of the most prestigious awards given to Rotarians.
Just in time for Friday, The speaker for the week was Bulldogs head coach, Alan Short.
Mr. Short is a hometown boy who played football for Campbellsville University after being a record setting quarterback right here in Lawrence County from 1996-1999.
He is the 11th head coach in LCHS school history and the first coach since 1985 that was a Louisa native.
Short brought along his senior players who have played their entire high school career. He explained how much this program meant to him and how it had influenced his life in so many ways.
He said that he might not remember his 11th grade social studies teacher, however he remembers every man who had ever coached him. This year makes 13 years that Short has been a teacher and a coach.
Coach Short explained his coaching goals, and how it pertains to off the field as much as when the boys are in uniform.
Two of his players Brayden Robertson and Trey Dotson spoke and it gave Rotarians an idea of what they are taking away from this experience. FAMILY, TEAM BEFORE SELF, RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY are some of the words that are heard the most from Coach Short.
With that, The meeting was adjourned for the week.