On Thursday February 10th, the Louisa Rotary Club had their weekly meeting. After the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Four Way Test, President Pat Hart introduced the Guest Speaker, Mayor Harold Slone.
Harold Slone has been the Mayor of Louisa for the past 7 years. Before becoming Mayor, Harold was the Emergency Director for 7 years. He went on to explain that there hasn’t been a “State of the City” address, in two years because of Covid.
Mayor Slone told Rotary members several interesting facts about city including:
- Louisa City Police responded to 1,334 cases last year which included vehicle accidents and drug-related calls, etc. and soon they will be receiving two new vehicles.
- The Louisa Fire Department will be receiving two rescue trucks, and a new tanker that holds 2,200 gallons of water.
- The Water Department gave the city 488 million gallons of clean water last year and has to be updated because the plant is 20 years old and some parts are obsolete, Slone explained. The city will be receiving monies for upgrade’s in a few months to help the water company serve our community.
- The wastewater treatment center will be upgraded. The city also spent $3.9 million on the Lock Avenue project.
- Slone said the Sanitation Dept had 30% increase in the amount of trash last year, for some reason and will be receiving new trucks.
- The Louisa city pool needs more upgrades, sidewalks and new diving boards and a river walk and amphitheater are coming soon.
- Harold Slone said our City of Louisa, population 3,000 is on the move. Lastly the question about having your water bill as an automatic debit from your checking was answered by Mr. Slone stating that it is coming soon; but if your water bill is $2,200, then that’s the amount that comes out of your checking. (Chuckles around the room)
- Pat Hart concluded the Rotary meeting by stating the Louisa Rotary Club will be selling tickets to, Steel Magnolia’s as their fundraiser. The off Broadway play, Steel Magnolias, will be at the Garden Theatre, located in downtown Louisa. The tickets are $55 for couples and $30 for a single.
The next Louisa Rotary Club will be February 17, with Sherry Compton as Guest Speaker.
Keep up the good work Harold got my vote