By Susan Salyer
LOUISA, Ky. — The Lawrence County Public Library had a Special Meeting on Thursday, January 30, 2025 at the library, 102 W Main Street, Louisa Kentucky 41230 at 2PM.
Deena Farris, Director, was in attendance along with Lawrence County Board of Trustees Lennie Collins, Susie Chambers, Lynn Perry, Kim Burchett and Lindsay Smith.

The Board of Trustees went into Closed Session to discuss the income for newly hired director, Deena Farris. At the last Special Meeting Farris was named Interim Director with a salary of $58,500 set by the board. But she told board members that she is making $58,500 now as interim director, so a salary of $65,500 is asked for.
Before the interim job she was Program Director at the LC Library making $46,000 under former director Carley Pelphrey who was making $80,000 as director. The Board of trustees voted yesterday on $65,500 as the new salary for Farris yesterday.
There will also be other rules set in place by the Board including:
1. Ability to sign checks up to $1,000.00 anything over that amount will need a second signer. (Previous director had the ability to sign checks that were $5,000.00 or less)
2. Ability to close library in times of severe weather or in times that closing is needed but outside of the regular days closed. (examples include power outage that last more than an hour with no restoration time given)
3. Ability to make a repair and purchase decisions under $20,000.00 anything over this amount will be presented to the board for approval. With 2 quotes.
4. Ability to make staffing decisions. Including but not limited to, restructuring staff to meet current needs as they are ever evolving. All added positions will be presented to the board before the hiring process begins.
The Board will set the salaries of remaining employees at next months meeting, Farris said.
1. Call to Order
2. Enter closed session to discuss finalizing hiring of new Director Deena Farris
3. End Closed Session and enter open session.
4. Announcement of decisions made in closed session
5. Public Comments
Next Regular Meeting is Monday February 10, 2025 at 12PM at the Lawrence County