Lawrence County High School 2021 Graduation News
The Lawrence County High School Graduation ceremony will be held this year, outside, on the LCHS Football Field. LCHS Seniors will be meeting on the track at 6:00 pm on Friday, May 21 to get into their line up, with graduation starting at 7:00 pm.
Superintendent, Dr. Robbie Fletcher, explained the reasoning behind having graduation outdoors this year.
“This way, masks are optional.”
Dr. Fletcher explained that having the students and attendees outside, allows them to follow CDC guidelines while still giving the option to wear a mask.
Dr. Fletcher didn’t have any hesitation this year to continue on with graduation as he recognizes the importance of the event. Fletcher also explained that last year, they held graduation, “in the middle of the pandemic,” so he felt confident they could do it again.
Students and parents will remember the extraordinary graduation last year as having a plethora of special guests and speakers, but this year Fletcher wants to get back to normal.
The superintendent chose to stick with not having a valedictorian again, as previous years have also opted not to have one. Fletcher explained the difficulty in choosing a valedictorian, as it requires them to take advanced placement classes that may or may not be related to their field of study.
For further information about graduation, visit the Lawrence County High School Facebook page.
LCHS principal Christy Moore said there are 146 students graduating this year.
Class of 2021
Rader Adkins, Abigail Akers, Calvin Akers, Easton Bevins, Dwayne Bishop, Elijah Blackburn, Breanna Blevins, Erikka Blevins, Corrina Bowen, Jessie Bowen, Jonah Bowen, Faith Bradley, Citori Branham, Alyssa Brewer, Lakyn Bryant, Whitney Bryant, Michael Burke, Emma Caldwell, Owen Childers, Seth Cline, Shirley Coburn, Desiree Cole.
Ethan Coleman, Matthew Collins, Nicholas Collinsworth, Sarah Cook, Payton Cooper, Madison Copley, Thomas Dalton, Jakob Daniels, Andrea Davis, Brandon Davis, Kyle Davis, Amirah Dobbins, Adam Dennison, Tori Ellison, Andrew Evans, Daniel Falls, Ethan Fields, Allison Fissler.
Logan Fissler, Johnny Fitchpatrick, Brooke Fletcher, Christopher Fletcher, Jacob Fletcher, Blaize Fowler,
Baden Gillispie, Haley Griffith, Danny Hall, Anastacia Harczynski, Jordan Harper, Madison Harris, Austin Hay, Beverly Hayes, Andrew Hayes, Hannah Hazlett, Tatiana Higgins, Blake Hogan, Alexis Holbrook,
Tess Jennings.
Dennis Jewell, Elizabeth Jones, James Jordan, Karissa Jude, Isabella Keeton, Brock Kessinger, Natasha Kirk, William Lampert II, Brandon Marcum, Jackson Mathieu, Devin Maynard, Michael McCauley, Bailey McClanahan, Shelbie McDowell, Jakob McKerr, Myca Mckinney, Dylan Miller, Robert Muncy, Madison Nelson, Whitney New
Kaley Osborne Mason Pack Kiersten Pannell Aiden Parker Evan Parker Herbie Parks Bailey Peck Allison Perry Ebb Preece, Logan Preece, Luke Preece, Breanna Preston, Eli Randall, Hannah Ratliff, Paul Evan Rawlings, Brody Richmond, Jayce Rivera, Stephen Robertson, Tristan Robertson, Robert Roe, Kaylee Runyons, Ethan Salyer, Rex Sammons.
Jacob Savage, Nicholas Scarberry, Abagail Sexton, Kennedy Sexton, Christopher Skaggs, Callie Sleasman, Dustin Spaulding, Shaunntae Sweeney, Andrew Tackett, Alex Tackett, Courtney Tarring, Haleigh Thompson, Lillian Van Winkle, Kaleigh Vaughn, Britney Vinson, Jenna Wallin, Joseph Warf, Ellie Webb, Emily Webb, Jacob Webb, Mark Webb, Joshua Wells, Denet Wells, Aubrey West, Logan West, Dylan Wheeler, Jamie Wheeler, Conner Whitt, Ethan Whitt, Caleb Wilburn, Elizabeth Williams, Tristyn Workman, Jason York, Haylie Young, Jasmine Young.
It’s about time someone uses facts along with their brain to make logical decisions. Good job Fletcher, time to ditch those cuck masks Louisa and get back to normal. Bring on a mask free Septemberfest!!!!!!
By far the best graduation ever.