Lawrence County Fiscal Court
June 15, 2021
Regular Meeting Agenda 10:00 a.m.
1. Opening Prayer
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Call Meeting to Order
4. Approve Minutes of the May 18, 2021, Meeting.
5. Approve 2nd Reading of FY21/22 Budget
6. Approve 2nd Reading of Budget Amendment #5
7. Approve Emergency Amendment # 6
8. Approve Treasurer’s Request
9. Approve Bills
10. Approve Treasurer’s Report
11. Approve Zoning Ordinance Index Corrections
12. Approve MOA on Opioid Lawsuit (Tis Chaffin)
13. Approve Resolution HB 192 Soccer Field Grant
14. Approve Resolution HB 192 LC Park Improvement Grant
15. Approve Resolution HB 192 Fallsburg Community Center Grant
16. Approve Resolution HB 192 Blaine Community Grant
17. Approve Resolution HB 192 Chapman Park Grant
18. Approve Resolution HB 192 Stella Moore Grant
19. Approve Resolution LWCF Grant for Soccer Field
20. Approve Resolution HB 192 County Fairground Grant
21. Approve Resolution for AML Grant to Construct Lodge
22. Review Administrative Code
23. Approve COL for Elected Officials
24. Discuss Group Health Rates for FY 21/22
25. Approve 4th of July Donation.
26. Award Bids on Materials (gravel, blacktop, gas etc.)
27. Approve Deed for Town Hill Propety
28. Approve Termination of Beach Agreement
29. Open Bids on Surplus Items
30. Public comments
31. Adjourn