June 12, 2018
From felonies to misdemeanors is trend…
Several cases were resolved on Friday, June 8th while others were reset.
And many of the defendants that were charged in recent drug busts had their charges amended to misdemeanor charges. Commonwealth’s Attorney-elect Tony Skeens said the court is trying to clean up the drug epidemic by sending offenders to rehabilitation instead of jail.
“Judicial officials are trying every alternative to stop the revolving door and help families in crisis,” Skeens said.
Here is the Docket for Friday, June 8, 2018
Roger Barnes, 33 was released on bond Friday after court on charges of:
3 counts of Complicity Receiving Stolen Property,
Complicity Possession of a Controlled Substance, methamphetamine and
Complicity Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
Case was reset for 7/27/18.
Abigail Pinson, 54 entered a guilty plea to an amended charge of:
Complicity Trafficking In a Controlled Substance to a Class A misdemeanor based on an offer by the Commonwealth.
Defendant sentenced that day. No note on the sentence.
Jessica Ray, 37 Pretrial on:
Complicity Trafficking In a Controlled Substance, 1st Degree and
Persistent Felony Offender.
Defendant sent to a drug rehabilitation center.
Rodney Robertson, 41 Defendant set for trial date for 8-28-18 for jury trial.
Curtis Rowe, 43 set for jury trial on 11-19-18 for Complicity Manufacturing Methamphetamine and Persistent Felony Offender.
John Scott, 32 was present on charge of Possession of a Controlled Substance, methamphetamine.
Case was reset and defendant to be evaluated.
All of these people changed their plea to Guilty and accepted an offer from the Commonwealth on this date (Friday) most if not all will be final sentenced on 8/24/18.
The terms of the plea bargains were not notated in the court record paid for by The LevisaLazer.com, at Circuit Clerk Jody Webb Parsley’s office.
Sierra Caudill, 33 Per judgement prepared by the Commonwealth Will pay restitution in the amount of $8,800 at $100 a month on Knowingly Exploit Adult Person.
Eugene Cochran, 30 took offer on Burglary, 2nd Degree and Possession of Burglary Tools.
Offer not disclosed.
Thomas Evans, 30 for Complicity Manufacturing
Travis Falls, 39 for Possession of a Controlled Substance, methamphetamine
Dustin Fyffe, 29 for Fleeing or Evading, DUI and Operating a MV on Revoked License and other misdemeanors.
Sarah Hylton, 43 was arraigned on
Complicity Trafficking In a Controlled Substance, 1st Degree,
Complicity Trafficking In a Controlled Substance, 2nd Degree and
Complicity Trafficking In a Controlled Substance Within 1000 ft of a School.
A public defender was appointed.
Lonnie Marcum, 37 Pled for Receiving Stolen Property and Persistent Felony Offender
Christina Moore, 32 Pled to an amended charge of Complicity Manufacturing Methamphetamine, 1st offense.
Jonathan Owens, 30 reset for Trafficking In a Controlled Substance, 1st offense and Giving Officer Identifying Information.
Charles Perkins, 26 will be sentenced on
Trafficking In a Controlled Substance, 1st Degree, methamphetamine and
Persistent Felony Offender and
Possession of a Controlled Substance, methamphetamine with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (to be dismissed)
Christopher Shannon, 34 entered a guilty plea based On an offer by the Commonwealth.
Complicity Trafficking , 1st Degree amended to misdemeanor,
Complicity Trafficking, 2nd Degree amended to misdemeanor and
PFO was dismissed.
Michelle Shaw, Defendant to be released with Drug testing and entered a guilty plea on Commonwealth’s offer and…
sentencing to be held 7-13-18 for Criminal Mischief, 1st Degree, and
Criminal Trespass, 2nd Degree.
Gregory Witham, during Pretrial entered not guilty plea,
a public defender was appointed on Possession of a Controlled Substance, methamphetamine.
Cory Moore, reset for 6-22-18 for
Complicity Trafficking In a Controlled Substance, 1st Degree and
Complicity of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.
Those on the docket for Expungement
Kenneth Conn, 46 – passed generally
Edford Coffey, 36 – passed generally
Crystal Cordle, 46 was present for a Probation Violation Hearing on 3 cases,
Case was reset it for 6/22/18.
Shawn Fitzpatrick, 23 was denied a bond reduction on
Engaging In Organized Crime and Persistent Felony Offender.