Lawrence County Board of Education
Lawrence County Schools: ALL IN for building relationships to personalize learning that inspires, challenges, and equips each student to dream, to persist, and to succeed!
Inspire to Dream – Challenge to Persist – Equip to Succeed
In Person & Video Teleconference
June 23, 2022; 6:00 p.m.
Primary Location:
Lawrence County High School
Louisa, Kentucky
For public viewing of the meeting, use this link:
Mission and Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag
2.A. Approve Claims and Orders of the Treasurer
2.B. Approve Consent Agenda items:
2.B.1. Per diem and expenses for members in attendance; registration and travel expenses for board members attending the KSBA’s 2022 Summer Leadership Institute in July and training per diem as allowed for KRS-mandated training during the institute
2.B.2. Contracts and Services:
2.B.2.a. Physical Therapy & Athletic Training Services Agreement between LCHS and Eastern Kentucky Sports and Orthopedic Therapy PSC; July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023; certificate of liability insurance provided
2.B.2.b. Renewal of Apex Learning digital curriculum districtwide subscription with Edmentum; July 2, 2022 to July 1, 2023: $26,200.00
2.B.2.c. FY 2022-23 Contract for the Assignment of Personnel (James Ellis) with KEDC for Instructor/Community Education Director; July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023: $18,000
2.B.3. Requests:
2.B.3.a. 2022-2023 Fundraisers: LCHS, FES, LMS, LWES
2.C. Approve 2022-2023 District and Schools Professional Development Plans
2.D. July JumpStart and Transition Days
2.D.1. Approve plans and budgets for JumpStart and Transition Days activities to address learning loss, transition needs, or other issues as it relates to COVID-19 for all Lawrence County Schools (BES, FES, LEES, LMS, LWES-pending SBDM approval, LCHS-pending SBDM approval), including pay rates of $50 per hour for certified personnel and $30 per hour for classified personnel, pending availability of ARP ESSER funds
2.D.2. Approve the hiring of principals for JumpStart and Transition Day activities, if the activities are OUTSIDE 235-day contract for principals
2.E. Approve 2022-2023 LCHS School Fees, which includes student fees, Chromebook fees, sports ticketing fees, spring training fees, and cheer fees (pending SBDM Council approval)
2.F. Approve District Accounting Manager to serve as primary submitter and District Finance Officer and the Director of Federal Programs to serve as secondary submitters for Federal Cash Requests for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
2.G.1. LCHS Vocational Education Center (LAVEC) Renovation & Expansion BG: 22-146
2.G.1.a. Approve invoice for professional services for the LAVEC Renovation & Addition BG: 22-146, Project #21830024 Lawrence County LAVEC Topographic Survey, S&ME, Inc., Invoice #1126248, 100% Complete: total of $14,987.88
2.G.2. Facility Upgrades
2.G.2.a. Approve $20,000 budget for upgrades to athletic facility (weights/equipment) (Note: All purchases will either be from bid list and/or receive three quotes.)
2.G.2.b. Approve purchase/installation for gymnasium curtain at LCHS (Lowest quote: TecAthletics $15,250; other quotes are included in packet)
2.G.2.c. Approve budget for purchase/installation for safety nets, dugout padding/netting, and storage building for LCHS baseball program (Max budget: $14,000 – Baseball boosters are supplying approximately $7,000 for additional upgrades. Note: All purchases will either be from bid list and/or receive three quotes.)
2.G.2.d. Approve purchase of a NFHS field camera for LCHS soccer field. (Max cost: $4,000)
2.H. Approve Second Reading and approval of 2022 Annual KSBA Policy Updates, as follows: 01.0 Definitions, 01.111 District Planning, 01.42 Regular Meetings, 01.421 Public Participation in Open Meetings, 01.45 Board Meeting Agenda, 01.83 In-Service Training, 01.91 Authorization of Charter Schools, 01.911 Charter School Application Process, 02.31 School Resource Officers (SROs), 02.413 Exemption (SBDM), 02.414 Alternative Models (SBDM), 02.421 Election of School Council Members (SBDM), 02.4241 School Council Policies (SBDM), 02.4242 School Budget and Purchasing, 02.4244 School Hiring, 02.442 Comprehensive School Improvement Plan, 03.12323 NEW Quarantine Leave (Certified Personnel), 03.14 Health and Safety (Certified Personnel), 03.22323 NEW Quarantine Leave (Classified Personnel), 03.24 Health and Safety (Classified Personnel), 04.1 Budget Planning and Adoption, 04.8 Disposal of School Property, 06.31 Bus Scheduling and Routing, 08.1 Curriculum, 08.11 Course of Study, 08.113 Graduation Requirements, 08.1312 Home/Hospital Instruction, 08.14 Guidance and Mental Health Service Providers, 08.21 NEW Instruction and Instructional Materials, 08.2322 Review of Instructional Materials, 08.31 Student Attendance Day, 09.122 Attendance Requirements, 09.123 Absences and Excuses, 09.124 Tuition, 09.4341 Alternative Education; and District Initiated Policy Update: 03.27 Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Classified Employees
2.I. Approve to acknowledge Review of 2022 Annual KSBA Procedure Updates, as follows: 01.111 AP.2 District Planning Committee, 01.91 AP.1 Authorization of Charter Schools, 02.14 AP.2 Evaluation of the Superintendent, 02.4244 AP.2 NEW Nondisclosure Agreement (SBDM), 03.11 AP.252 Criminal Records Release Authorization, 03.11 AP.2521 NEW Criminal History Record Information, 03.19 AP.23 District Training Requirements, 03.21 AP.2521 NEW Criminal History Record Information, 04.32 AP.1 Procurement, 08.1312 AP.1 Application for Home/Hospital Instruction, 08.2322 AP.1 Review of Challenged Instructional Materials, Deletion: 08.2322 AP.22 Staff/School Council Reconsideration of Instructional/Library Materials , 08.2322 AP.23 Staff/School Council Reconsideration Decision, and 09.124 AP.1 Tuition
3.A. Approve updates to 2022-2023 Lawrence County Schools Pay Scales/Salary Schedules
3.B. Superintendent Professional Growth and Evaluation System (SPGES)
Annual Evaluation: Dr. Robbie L. Fletcher, Superintendent
3.B.1. Capstone Presentation and Review of Professional Growth Plan
3.B.2. Approve to enter Executive Session for preliminary discussions relating to evaluation of the superintendent pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(k) and KRS 156.557(6)(c)
3.B.3. Approve return to Open Session
3.B.4. Discuss and approve adoption of Dr. Robbie Fletcher’s Superintendent Summative Evaluation for 2021-2022 School Year