KYTC Contractor set to start project on KY 201
in Lawrence County Tomorrow
LAWRENCE COUNTY – (Wednesday, June 10, 2020) – Prep work on a section of KY 201 in Lawrence County is set to begin at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow, Thursday, June 10. Roadway resurfacing is expected to start on Monday, June 15.
The area is on KY 201 North between mile point 10, just before Parker Fork Road, and mile point 15, just after Twin Licks Road. Mountain Enterprises was awarded the low bid contract on the 4.55-mile project at $430,825.08.
Prep work includes cutting edge keys at either end of the project and cutting away sod and debris from the pavement edges throughout the work zone. This involves milling notches the same thickness as the new surface and transitioning the milling material into the rest of the highway area. This eliminates bumps when driving newly resurfaced roadway by tying the new asphalt into the old pavement at the same elevation.
Mountain Enterprises usually works from about 6:30 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. four days a week, Mondays through Thursdays. This project is expected to take about five days total, weather permitting.
One lane traffic will be maintained throughout the work zone at all times. However, motorists should be prepared to slow down, as driving lanes will change depending on which lane is being paved.