John Butch Preston
Food and Shelter for Thought
My name is Ned. It’s an undisputable fact that food and shelter are the primary needs for survival. In the beginning, providing these needs was quite difficult. Men and women had to hunt and gather food and live in caves. Quite a hardship, but everyone did what was necessary and we survived.
But today things have changed considerably. All we need now is a job that pays enough to live on. Men and women get up and go to work, many at similar jobs. And this is where a discrepancy finds its way into our present mode of survival.
According to statistics women don’t get paid as much as men for the same work. So, it’s an undisputable fact that women are unable to buy as much food as men, nor have as good of a shelter. This can only lead to the conclusion that women—in the sense of being equal to men—were better off a million years ago than they are today.
The fact that the U. S. Government—all three branches—refuses to correct this discrepancy puts the government in violation of its own written constitution. How about that!
I’m Ned. It’s an indisputable fact that I am an idiot that has no idea what the constitution says or means so I write idiotic nonsense!
I’m confused where you derive your data from exactly. Actually, there is no discrepancy in pay between men and women. More recent analysis has shown women choose jobs which inherently pay less than jobs chosen by men. Also, women take off more work than men on average.
Secondly, you call it an undisputed fact women get less food… seriously.. this is so wildly inaccurate it physically pains me to know this news agency publishes this crap.
You literally back your opinion with zero fact. Zero. You sir, are strictly a partisan. Willing to lie to further the liberal agenda. Wast of space. If you desire an actual debate where someone can school you. Let me know.
I am not sure where Mr Franklin gets his information but it is a FACT that women make less than men for the SAME job and if you are a female minority you make even less.
Having worked in a male dominated field for my entire career, I have seen that FACT over and over. Women with the same education and experience (or more) being hired in for lower wages than men and receiving less in raises and less when promoted… My job was NOT a job that paid inherently less…
As far as “taking off work more”, yes, women who choose to be mothers have to take off to have their children and for the most part they are the parent who ends up staying home with sick kids because the father “just cant” or “his boss just wouldn’t understand”. It is automatically assumed that the women’s job is more expendable than the mans. I don’t know about anyone else but I had to pay the same for my two college degrees as any man did..
Well Sally, my analysis is usually taken from multiple sources. Not just just my feelings because I am so upset a man made more money than I. For example, you just refuted what I said and then confirmed what I said in the same paragraph.. you wrote, “ yeah women take off more”. If you know that, quit whining about your pay. You’re paid less because you take off more than your counterpart male colleagues. Furthermore, that is only an example, there are also plenty more reasons women who do make less, make less. Such as degree type, work availability, experience, and there are also studies which suggest women do not push for pay like men do as well. They do not negotiate for themselves. In your case, probably because you’re too busy crying about it.
The following will link you to some great articles which will help you better understand how the world really works:
Don’t let Harvard get in your way though. Harvard isn’t even a conservative school. The “gender pay gap” is created by taking median earnings of men annually compared to women annually. This is an erroneous number because women and men work different jobs. For instance, less women fight in combat, yet male soldiers are calculated in this figure. Less women are firefighters yet this number is calculated as well. There are a number of jobs that women do not do,
Not that they cannot, but will not.
I’m sorry that you make less than your male colleagues but might I suggest advocating for yourself and bringing that up? Because if you don’t the company isn’t going to, their job is to get the work done and save as much as possible.
I’m interested to know why you so easily fell for the pay gap myth. Is it perhaps that you are having a hard time dealing with your own failure?
I posted a long comment connecting you to multiple sources refuting the gender pay gap myth but for some reason it is not here. This saddens me as I would love to show you how wrong you are. So I decided to take the time to do it again. If it does show up later, you can read both posts to help you out.
There is no gender pay gap. There is no men being paid more than women doing the same job. It comes down to basic economics and business sense. If an employer is hiring for a position and two equally qualified persons, one male and one female interview, and the female advocates less for herself and will take a lesser salary, then they will probably pay lesser salary and demand the same work. There are multiple studies of this. One was done by Harvard, not that you would believe them.
The “Gender pay gap” number is found by taking the median salaries for all men and women in America and comparing the two on an annual basis. However, this does not take into consideration the job choices of all women compared to all men. Such as how women work jobs on average that pay less than what men work such as combat soldiers who get base pay plus hazard duty pay.
You attempted to refute my statement yet then admitted women do work less then men. You can make excuses for why this is so, but the fact remains that it is true regardless of the reason. An employer is not going to pay you for work you are not doing.
Furthermore, the following might help you understand why some believe the gender pay gap exists:
The bottom line is that women do not get paid less for the same work a man does. They get paid less because they work less, advocate for themselves less, and choose jobs which pay less inherently. There is so many studies of this I could type all day. if you Sally, make less then your colleagues who are male and are doing the same work. I suggest you report that because it has been illegal for quite some time now. You won’t though, because we both know you are just trying to perpetuate a false narrative to make yourself feel better about your own failure.
Another mystery! First Ted, now Ned. Is John Butch Preston writing these articles? Or does he have several grandsons who are trying their hand at publishing?
What jobs are available for women? Women are not usually the ditch diggers or construction workers (think lifting heavy equipment or materials). The traditional jobs in the fifties were becoming teachers or nurses. Without an education, the jobs were on the order of waitresses or licensed practical nurses. Women without education gravitate toward the lower paying jobs not by choice but by lack of having a higher education. Men also gravitate toward lower paying jobs due to a lack of advanced training. College and trade schools are exactly that; advanced training.
“Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.” Proverbs 4:5