I Was in Addiction…
A 12-Week Series on Addiction and Recovery
By: Matt Brown, ARC’s Senior Vice President of Administration
Hard-working and honest family… smart kid… bright future… Those are some of the things you would’ve heard about me as I grew up in Martin County and graduated as one of Sheldon Clark High School’s valedictorians in 1997.
Fast forward 18 years and the words thief… liar… unstable… nearly unemployable… crippling addiction… would be the words that most would use to describe me.
I had spent those 18 years (1996 through 2014) in a vicious cycle of addiction and destruction until I ended up in residential treatment at Addiction Recovery Care (ARC). I spent the last half of those 18 years wanting to climb out of addiction, but had no clue where to turn, nor did I even believe that a life without drugs and alcohol was even possible for someone who had stooped as low as me.
Thankfully I was able to find hope, help, and a life of recovery through ARC’s comprehensive addiction treatment and recovery program. Throughout this 12 week series, we are going to go on a journey together and learn about the ins and outs of ARC’s Crisis to Career recovery program and specifically about White Oak Hill, the new ARC residential program that is opening in the old Inez Middle School.
First in a series of 12