Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday
Kentucky Press News Service
Standard Time will soon give way to Daylight Saving Time. The change will occur at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 10. The change means the loss of an hour of sleep but the days will seem longer since sunset will occur an hour later.
As an example, when you go to bed on Saturday night, set your clocks ahead one hour. For instance, if you go to bed at 11 p.m. on Saturday, set your clocks ahead one hour to midnight. They will have the correct time when you awaken Sunday morning.
Sunrise and sunset will each be an hour later on Sunday than they did just the day before. It will be dark longer in the morning but the light will last longer in the evening.
By the way, Daylight Saving Time will end and we will return to Standard Time on Sunday, Nov. 3, 2019. That’s when you will get your lost hour of sleep back from the spring time change.