On Tuesday March 17, 2020, the Lawrence County Fiscal Court held its meeting which started out with prayer, led by Magistrate David Pinson, followed by “The Pledge of Allegiance”, led by Magistrate Rick Blackburn.
The Hon. Judge Phillip Carter, called the meeting to order.
{1.First item on the agenda was to Approve minutes of the February 18, 2020 Meeting. Motion made by Mike Halcomb and Rick Blackburn.} 2.Rescind Prior Budget Amendment#3 and approve 1st Reading of Budget Amendment #3.-motion to approve by Halcomb and Pinson. 3.Approve Bills-motion to approve by Halcomb and Blackburn. 4.Approve Treasurer’s Report-motion to approve by Halcomb and Pinson.
5. Approved KY. Transportation Rural Secondary Road Program 2020 FY( $ 1,377,743.00/$ 262, 279.00 less funds. Motion to approve by John Skaggs and Rick Blackburn.
6. Approved the Jail Fund Budget FY 20-21. Motion to approve by Blackburn and Pinson. No amount was given.
7.Approved MOA between Commonwealth of KY. Dept. of Agriculture and LC Fiscal Court for Spay and Neuter Grant in the amount of $ 2,500.00.-motion to approve made by Blackburn and Halcomb.
8. Approved Resolution for Homeland Security Grant and 911 Services Board Grant, in the amount of $92,000.- motion to approve made by Blackburn and Pinson.
9.Accepted Sheriff’s Excess Fees in the amount of $102,918.01 -motion to approve by Pinson and Blackburn
10.Approved each Magistrate to form committees at each County Park, no motion needed. Magistrates will be managing their districts.
11. Approved raising the 911 surcharge from 1.95 to 3.00 (Carter stated that the average of most counties is around $4.00 and this hasn’t increased in many years when mostly landline phones were used). Motion to approve made by Pinson and Halcomb.
12.Discussed forming a county fire commission board. This was recommended by the Fire Commissioner to form a Board. Lawrence DES director Chris Cox said he thought it was a good idea. Motion to form a Board with Fire chief in the community, was motioned to be approved by Blackburn and Halcomb.
13. Make Amendments to Solid Waste Ordinance. The Judge Phillip Carter is trying to get the county cleaned up. The court will make amendments to the Solid Waste Board, which will then be presented to the County Attorney, who will review and and make changes to it if necessary. Motion to approve by Chris Jobe and Dave Pinson.
14.Gave Judge Carter Permission to Negotiate with Landowner for Trade of dump truck (which is not being used) for land at County Garage. Motion to approve made by Halcomb and Pinson.
15.Approved Proclamation Making April Pride Month. Motion to approve made by Halcomb and Skaggs.
16.Recognize Boys and Girls Basketball Teams. Judge Carter said that the court is very proud of the boys and girls basketball teams. He just wanted to recognize and congratulate them, as there will be a citation coming for them at a later date.
Superintendent Robbie Fletcher spoke to the court on how proud he was of the players, and how much effort and how hard they worked this season. He also thanked the coaches for doing a great job! He then thanked the court and everyone involved in their efforts to make sure the students are getting their needs met, during this Pandemic.
Fletcher said the bus drivers will start delivering the students meals, so no child will go hungry or without. He stated the teachers are staying connected with the students via teleworks. The NIT days are a little different than normal, having teachers being connected to the students 10 days in a row and are keeping a check on them. They are doing Teleworks counseling and guidance for the students, along with a Physical Therapist for online fitness and exercise.
- Mr. Fletcher will be in his office regularly every day, he said. If anyone has any questions, call your schools.
- FIVCO Economic Development Director Kelly T. Ward was discussing issues on helping out a family on Wrenlane in Lawrence County whose home had been flooded and provided information on FEMA.
- County clerk Chris Jobe stated that the Primary election date had been moved up to June 23, 2020.
- Mike Shapaka County Surveyor has been working on 3 survey projects. One is the property at or around the county garage.
- Deputy Judge/Exec. Vince Doty stated that the inside of the courtroom has been painted and the outside of the courthouse will be finished, as soon as weather permits.
- Clyde Burchett the Assistant Road Supervisor said the crew has been working on a lot of the FEMA road repairs, of breakage and slips. They are currently working on Yellow Creek using guardrail panels and having contractors driving steel. They are planning for weed control, mowing, repairing tractors and discussing other options for weed control. Grading has begun slowly due to the constant rain and freezing and thawing, they haven’t been able to do a lot but are slowly starting to grade. They have four graders, one in each district.
- Judge Carter stated the safety of the citizens comes first, and as of now the courthouse will remain open with precautionary measures being taken. In the future if he feels the Pandemic is putting the community in danger, they will close the courthouse. The meeting was adjourned.
again nothing about helping the city out
Why don’t you go ask them
I have and one of them didn’t know and the other one said nothing
anyone who pays any taxes should at least get something in return
Lol! I was waiting for that response.
Sure is interesting how the sheriff turned over almost $103K which is the 2nd highest total turned over in last 17 years. Especially after him, the former deputy who is in Greenup County and the old bailiff at the courthouse spent the whole last election bashing on sheriff Roberts for turning over money at the end of the year (which was WAY less each year than the 103K) while saying he wasn’t getting them the equipment and things they needed. They also fooled most people into voting on the belief that Roberts was so bad to them and the other candidate was going to not buy them what they wanted. They told people the other candidate was going to be on a power trip if he won and lots of other things. Then low and behold the new sheriff is doing all the things they made up about the other candidate and much more. Just goes to show you when someone is a true politician, just to get elected, they will scare voters into believing the other candidate will do certain things and then they turn around and does those things. Amazing if you would have just paid attention he was telling you exactly what he would be like. Surprised he still fits through door way with as big as his head has swelled up. He use to speak when I would see him but now he acts like he doesn’t have time to speak and is better than everyone. Don’t see him out much either like Garrett use to be. Of course that’s what you get when someone is about the status and pay check and not the good of the people. Just set back and watch…they will eventually show their true colors. Change definitely isn’t always better especially when you go backwards!
The election was over a year ago. Both parties were guilty of negativity during the election. Don’t you think its time to let it go. You don’t have to agree with everything they do but bashing them on the internet won’t do any good. Now is the time to start praying for our government officials, not tearing them down.
“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayer, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence”
1 Timothy 2:1-2.
One side did the majority of the negativity so they could fool people…and guess what it worked and people bought into it. He sure hasn’t been the person he said he would but hey that’s what you get when you want a buddy. Definitely need to pray people don’t make the same mistake twice.