“It’s not personal, its personality!”
Rotary met for its weekly meeting on Thursday, June 15th. After the opening prayer, Pledge of Allegiance and Four Way Test, the visitors were acknowledged.
Visitors this week were Assistant Governor, James Bowman and State Rep. Jill York and Olivia Farris from the Lawrence County Extension office.
Birthdays in the last week were acknowledged, Sheila Kensinger, Chuck Price, Carolyn Thompson and Mary McQuire.
In announcements for this week, Olivia Farris announced that the upcoming Farm and Field Day would be held on June 23rd at the Lawrence County Extension Office. Ms. Farris will also be the speaker for next week.
The speaker for this week was “The Communication Trainer,” Rachelle Burchett. Rachelle, a local gal from Paintsville, Ky. was a pharmaceutical rep when she started her own business, using her own personal experience to reach out and help others understand how to communicate.
Her motto was “It’s not personal, its personality!” She showed how different personalities take in and communicate information differently.
Overall, it was a very interesting display and Rachelle is in the business of helping businesses to learn what kind of staff you have and how best to communicate with them, she does consulting, Sales training, Sales and career coaching, customer service training or tailor made training.
With that, the meeting was adjourned for the week.