SEPTEMBER 20, 2016
Dr. Sofyan gives detailed explanation of Muslim faith for students
Dr. Agus Sofyan, professor of Biology, presented on the topic of Islam and the Muslim religion to two Intercultural Communication classes at Big Sandy Community and Technical College on August 31 and September 1.
Dr. Sofyan, who is from Indonesia, explained that the term Islam actually means “to submit totally and peacefully to God.”
He gave a detailed explanation about the Muslim faith, including the belief that there is only one God, that angels are real and that all angels are good, the belief in four holy books (including the Bible and the Quran), the belief in prophets (including Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and Jesus), the belief in a Judgement Day, and a belief in predestination.
He noted that there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world today and indicated that anyone who commits violence on another is not following the Muslim faith, which is based on peace.
He stressed that the terrorist incidents reported in the press are the actions from only a small minority of people who are representing their own cultural or national beliefs and not Islam or the Muslim faith.
Dr. Sofyan is a listed speaker with the Big Sandy Speakers’ Bureau. To contact him or see a listing of all available speakers, go to:, select the Visitors and Community tab, and Speakers Bureau.