Education: Lawrence Co. Schools Supt. series in The Lazer
Winter weather can be unpredictable, or downright nasty, like we have had for the past week.
Deciding whether to cancel school or not is never easy. I want to share the steps we take when the forecast is uncertain. Our goal is always to ensure the safety of our students and staff while balancing the importance of instructional time.
When bad weather is in the forecast, we start watching conditions early. Our county is large geographically, with a mix of paved main roads, county roads, and many unpaved secondary roads. What might seem passable in one part of the county can be dangerous in another.
To get the full picture, district staff drive routes across the county before sunrise to check for icy or unsafe conditions. We also communicate with local road crews, the national weather service, neighboring districts, and emergency management officials to make the most informed decision possible.
Safety is our top priority, but we also understand the challenges to families that come with school schedule changes. I fully realize that not everyone will agree with every decision that’s made, but I assure you these decisions are made with careful thought and the best intentions for everyone involved.
In the past decade, we’ve gained the ability to use Non-Traditional Instruction (NTI) days when bad weather strikes. These virtual learning days give us more options instead of relying solely on traditional snow days, which must be made up by lengthening the school calendar. NTI days do not need to be made up, but we are only allowed to use up to 10 in a school year. When we consider using NTI, we want to ensure that power or Internet outages in the county won’t create barriers for students to complete their work from home.
When school is delayed or canceled, we notify families through phone calls, text messages, email, social media, and local news outlets. If you haven’t updated your contact information with your child’s school, now is a great time to do so.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate tough weather related calls. We always strive to make the best decision for our students, families, and staff.
Stay safe and warm this winter!