By Susan Salyer
LOUISA, Ky. — County fiscal court members were lavish with their praise for county employees as well as city and state through the difficult snow storm that hit last week.
Judge Phillip Carter thanked all nthe employees as well as citizens who offered their help.
“We have answered calls throughout and done the best we could with the road situation,” Carter said noting that Lawrence County has between 500 and 600 miles of county roads, not counting city and state roads and US 23. (See Lazer video)
The Lawrence County Fiscal Court had a Special Meeting at the Lawrence County Courthouse, Downtown 2nd Floor, 122 S. Main Cross, Downtown 2nd Floor, Louisa, Kentucky at 11AM on Monday, January 22, 2024. Lawrence County Judge Executive Phillip Carter was in attendance along with LC Magistrates David Pinson, Rick Blackburn, Michael Mouse Halcomb and John Scaggs.
The LC Regular Scheduled Monthly Meeting for January was on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 but due to the heavy snow last week, was rescheduled as a Special Monthly Meeting on Monday January 22, 2024.
LC Treasurer Josh Puckett discussed the Treasurer’s Report from December 2023 where the balance was negative of a half million dollars. Puckett said, “The negative numbers reported at the December Meeting is being corrected, Puckett said. “The negative balance was a result of invoices being paid over the last six months that haven’t been cashed. All the bills have been paid and we now have the balance down to negative $38,000. Hopefully by next month’s meeting this negative balance will be corrected,” Puckett said. Motion by Rick Blackburn 2nd by David Pinson. None Opposed. Roll Call. (SEE VIDEO)
* The LC Magistrates unanimously approved to pay the Bills for the County with a Motion by Rick Blackburn 2nd by David Pinson. Roll Call.
* Judge Phillip Carter informed the court that a bid will be needed for engineering for the utility services with Paintsville Utilities. Motion by Rick Blackburn 2nd by Michael Mouse Halcomb. None Opposed. Roll Call.
* Judge Carter discussed the Resolution to Finance Trucks. The trucks the County are using now will be up for sale in March so they will be purchasing new trucks for the County. Motion by Rick Blackburn 2nd by Michael Mouse Halcomb. None Opposed. Roll Call.
* The LC Magistrates voted unanimously to advertise to Bid to sell Mack Trucks with a Motion by Michael Mouse Halcomb 2nd by John Scaggs. Roll Call.
* The LC Magistrates unanimously voted for the AML Grant with a Motion by David Pinson 2nd by Rick Blackburn. LC Economic Director Vince Doty said, “The AML Grant will be used to build a Spec Building and also for Geothermal Exploration.”
*.LC Treasurer Puckett discussed the 911 Interlocal Agreement between the 911 Board, City of Louisa and LC Fiscal Court. Puckett said, “The previous 911 Board now has been updated to include the Judge Executive, One Magistrate, Mayor, One Louisa City Council member, Police Chief, Fire and One Emergency Management Member. The County takes care of all finances and charges $4 per land line.
* Judge Carter discussed the Personnel Probation Policy which is set at 6 months. The LC Magistrates voted unanimously to change the policy period from 6 months down to 30 days. This means new county employees only have to wait 30 days now for their benefits to start, including Insurance. Motion by Rick Blackburn 2nd by Michael Mouse Halcomb. None Opposed. Roll Call.
* The LC Magistrates unanimously voted that the Animal Control Ordinance Change the fee from $3.50 to $5. Judge Carter discussed that now you pay $3.50 for licenses but you had to renew it every year to $5 and No Renewal Yearly. Motion by Michael Mouse Halcomb 2nd by John Scaggs. Roll Call.
The Meeting was Adjourned with a Motion by Rick Blackburn 2nd by Michael Mouse Halcomb.
1. Opening Prayer
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Call Meeting to Order
4. Approve Minutes from December 19, 2023, Regular Meeting – Motion by Michael Mouse Halcomb 2nd by Rick Blackburn. Roll Call.
5. Approve Treasurers Report – Motion by Rick Blackburn 2nd by David Pinson. None Opposed. Roll Call.
6. Approve Bills – Motion by Rick Blackburn 2nd by David Pinson. None Opposed. Roll Call.
7. Bid for Engineering Services for Blaine Water Line Project – Motion by Rick Blackburn 2nd Michael Mouse Halcomb. None Opposed. Roll Call.
8. Resolution to Finance Trucks Motion by Rick Blackburn 2nd by Michael Mouse Halcomb. None Opposed. Roll Call.
9. Advertise to Bid to Sell Mack Trucks – Motion by Michael Mouse Halcomb 2nd by John Scaggs. None Opposed. Roll Call.
10. Resolution for AML Grant – Motion by Rick Blackburn 2nd by Michael Mouse Halcomb. None Opposed. Roll Call.
11. 1st Reading of Ordinance to Increase Fire Fee – Motion by David Pinson 2nd by Rick Blackburn.
12. 911 Interlocal Agreement – Motion by David Pinson 2nd byMichael Mouse Halcomb. None Opposed. Roll Call.
13. Personnel Probation Policy – Motion by Rick Blackburn 2nd by Michael Mouse Halcomb. None Opposed. Roll Call.
14. Animal Control Ordinance Change Request – Motion by Michael Mouse Halcomb 2nd by John Scaggs.
15. Adjourn – Motion by Rick Blackburn 2nd by Michael Mouse Halcomb.
The next monthly scheduled regular meeting will be on Tuesday February 20, 2024 at the Lawre