Lawrence County Board of Education
In Person & Video Teleconference
January 23, 2024; 6:00 p.m.
Primary Location:
Lawrence County High School
Louisa, Kentucky
For public viewing of the meeting via the Internet, use this link:
Mission and Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag
2.B.1. Approve Chairperson of the Lawrence County Board of Education
2.B.2. Approve Vice Chair of the Lawrence County Board of Education
2.B.3. Approve Schedule of Regular Board Meetings for the 2024 Calendar Year
2.B.4. Approve to acknowledge annual receipt of 1) The Kentucky Open Records & Open Meeting Acts: A Guide for the Public and Public Agencies, Office of the Attorney General, September 2023; 2) Managing Public Records, Revised June 2021; and 3) Procedure 01.44 AP.21 Request to Receive Special Meeting Notification by Email and Policy 01.44 Special-Called Meetings
3.A. Moment of Silence
3.B. School Board Recognition Month
4.A. Superintendent’s Update
4.A.1. Lawrence County High School staff and students recently hosted the Louisa Rotary for a tour of the CTE classrooms and to learn more about the CTE pathways that are offered. Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Roberts, and Mrs. Rice also attended.
4.A.2. Louisa Freewill Church and Riverside Generating sponsored breakfast for the Senior class. Gary Nelson, Nikki Nelson, Ellie Webb, and Kim Prater served and provided food. Mrs. Rice also attended.
4.A.3. LCHS Wrestling is having a great first season. Academic and basketball season are also in “full swing.”
4.A.4. Dr. Fletcher and the LSAC group have been invited to attend a dinner with the Senate education committee.
4.A.5. Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Brady continue developing the dentistry pathway in partnership with Dr. Lester and the UK College of Dentistry.
4.A.6. Lawrence County central office staff held our Christmas dinner. We appreciate Mr. See’s attendance and kind words for the staff.
4.A.7. While we still have some finishing touches, the softball facility is now open for students to use.
4.A.8. The House budget proposes a base guarantee of $4368 per student in average daily attendance in FY25 and $4455 for FY2026
4.B. Public Forum for the Annual Wellness Report: Nutrition and Physical Activity Report and “Alliance for a Healthier Generation District Results Summary Report”
4.C. Public Comment
5.A. Approve Minutes of the December 18, 2023 Regular Meeting
5.B. Approve Claims and Orders of the Treasurer
5.C. Approve the Monthly Financial Report by Finance Officer Brandi Peters
5.C.1. Bank Reconciliation Report
5.C.2. MUNIS Balance Sheet and Monthly Financial Report
5.C.3. Finance Update: Set special board meeting by January 31st to review 24-25 Draft Budget
5.D. CONSENT AGENDA: Approve the Consent Agenda items:
5.D.1. Per diem and expenses for board members in attendance; approval for travel and expenses to the KSBA 2024 Annual Conference scheduled for March, and training per diem as allowed for KRS-mandated annual training provided through the Conference for the 2024 calendar year
5.D.2. Contracts/Services:
5.D.2.a. Locally Operated MNA Program Clinical Agreement Memorandum of Agreement between LCHS and The Jordan Center, Louisa, Kentucky; Myram Brady; effective Jan. 1, 2024
5.D.3. Requests:
5.D.3.a. Fundraisers: LMS, FES, LEES
5.D.3.b. Use of Facilities:
5.D.3.b.1. Louisa East, Louisa Middle, LCHS, and Fallsburg gymnasiums, as available, for LC Travel Basketball with kids from Lawrence County; January 2, 2024 through June 30, 2024; Jeremy Block; proof of insurance provided
5.D.3.b.2. LC Soccer Fields by Square One Soccer for training for middle and high school soccer players; January 2024 to June 30, 2024; to be scheduled with schools; Sonny Mynhier; insurance provided
5.D.3.c. School-Related Trips:
5.D.3.c.1. Out-of-State Trip: Bus request for Blaine FCA students to travel to the Charleston Civic Center, WV, to attend Winter Jam on January 26, 2024; Susan Little
5.D.3.c.2. Out-of-State Trip: Permission for LMS Cheer Team to travel to Tennessee for cheer competition and Dollywood, pending fundraising; Coach Sheena Potter
5.D.3.c.3. Out-of-State Trip: Permission for the Louisa East Elementary Safety Patrol’s annual trip to Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, April 24 to 28, 2024; Shellie Graves
5.D.3.d. Request for Assistance: Due to families facing financial difficulties, Louisa East Elementary Safety Patrol Coordinator Shellie Graves & Sarah Blevins request support of $100/each for the Colonial Williamsburg, VA trip, April 24-28, 2024: $3,000
5.D.3.e. Approval to accept donations:
5.D.3.e.1. Elevate Early Learning Collaborative – Johnson County Public Library $23,100 – Dolly Parton Imagination Library donation
5.D.3.e.2. Lawrence County and Tourism Commission – $6,002 – Donation from Turkey Trot for FRYSC Backpack
5.D.3.e.3. Lawrence County 4-H Council – $2,298 – Donation for FFA from Farm to Table Gala
5.D.4. For Review/FYI: (no action required)
5.D.4.a. School Activity Fund Reports/Bank Reconciliations: Nov: LEES; Dec: all schools
5.D.4.b. SBDM Council Minutes: December: LEES, LCHS January: LWES, LEES, LMS, LCHS, FES
5.D.4.c. KSBA Annual Conference Information: March 1-3 in Louisville
5.D.4.d. UPDATE-Senior Trip 2024 Event Information
5.E.1. LCHS Vocational Education Center (LAVEC) Renovation & Expansion Phase 1 BG: 22-146
5.E.1.a. Approve invoice for professional services by RossTarrant Architects for the LCHS LAVEC Phase 1, BG-22-146 New Carpentry Building & Greenhouse: December 1, 2023, to December31, 2023, Invoice No. 21080-16 for a total of $4,266.79
5.E.1.b. Approve Codell Construction Pay Estimate 2 for a total of $321,210.66 for work performed on the LCHS Vocational Education Center (LAVEC) Renovation & Expansion Phase 1 BG: 22-146, which includes contractors, suppliers, and construction manager invoices:
Rising Sun Developing, Inc |
$ 66,960.00 |
The Wells Group, LLC |
$ 35,140.00 |
East Kentucky Masonry, LLC |
$ 55,665.00 |
Lee Building Products |
$ 8,422.75 |
Modern Construction, Inc. |
$ 7,200.00 |
Grayhawk, LLC |
$ 1,350.00 |
Infinity Design & Construction |
$126,101.11 |
Codell Construction Management |
$ 20,371.80 |
$321,210.66 |
5.E.2. Louisa Middle School Roof Replacement Project: BG: 24-113
5.E.2.a. Approve invoices for professional services by RossTarrant Architects for the Louisa MS Roof Replacement, BG-24-113: December 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, Invoice No. 23027-04 for a total of $24,650.00
5.E.3. Building and Grounds Maintenance/Upgrades
5.E.3.a. Consider/Approve quote, having received no bids by December 26, for purchase of a utility vehicle, with three quotes provided
5.E.4. Softball Facilities Project (Athletic Upgrades) LCHS BG: 22-147
5.E.4.a. Consider/Approve quote for purchase of lockers for the softball facility using funds from local donors, with three quotes provided
5.E.4.b. Consider/Approve Pay Application #11 to CPR Construction in the amount of $25,033.18 for work performed on the Lawrence County High School Softball Fieldhouse & Upgrades project, BG 22-147
5.E.5. Districtwide Safety & Security Upgrades
5.E.5.a. LCHS Security Camera System Project (BG: 19-284): Approve BG-5 (19-284 Project Closeout) pending KDE review
5.E.5.b. LCHS Gym Bleacher Project (BG: 19-298): Approve BG-5 (19-298 Project Closeout) pending KDE review
5.E.6. LCHS Football Field Upgrades Turf Project (BG: 23-237): Approve BG-5 (19-298 Project Closeout) pending KDE review
5.E.7. School Facilities Construction Commission (SFCC): Approve to accept School Facilities Construction Commission (SFCC) Offer of Assistance in the annual debt service amount of $44,692.40, funding for the 2024-2026 biennium
5.F. Approve updated diabetic plan form for Lawrence County Schools Section 504 Procedures
5.G. Approve to declare surplus property
5.H. Approve to enter Executive Session for the purpose of Student Discipline/Expulsion Hearing pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f)
5.I. Approve return to Open Session
5.J. New Business
6.A. Approve abolishment, creation, and changes regarding positions
6.B. Approve Update to 2023-2024 Lawrence County Schools Pay Scales/Salary Schedules
6.C. Superintendent Professional Growth and Evaluation Update: Standard 5 Managerial Leadership
(re: safety and security)
6.D. Approve to acknowledge receipt of Superintendent’s Personnel Action/Update