By Susan Salyer
The Louisa City Council had a Regular Scheduled Monthly Meeting on Tuesday January 9, 2024 at Louisa City Hall, 215 N. Main Cross Street, Louisa, Kentucky at 6PM. Louisa Mayor Harold Slone was in attendance along with Louisa City Council Members Joey McClanahan, Caleb Farley, Rose Lester, Coty Roe and Keith Chaffin. Gary Robertson was absent.
The Louisa City Council unanimously approved the Minutes for December 12, 2023.
The Council unanimously approved the Agreement for Health Insurance. This is actually an agreement with the union. The City of Louisa employees belong to Teamsters Union 783, and this is where the employees receive their employee benefits. The Insurance is through Central States, which is called Team Care. (SEE VIDEO)
The City Council unanimously approved the First Reading of Ordinance 15-02-3A ‘Amendment to Ordinance Regulating the Application for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages and Establishing Licenses and Fees’ with a Motion from Caleb Farley 2nd by Joey McClanahan. This will change Alcohol Sales to match state law. (SEE VIDEO)
City of Louisa Council unanimously approved the First Reading of Ordinance 2023-02A ‘Amendment to Ordinance Relating to Compensation of City Employees Pursuant to KRS 83A.070’ with a Motion by Rose Lester 2nd by Keith Chaffin. This amendment will cover mistakes on the Mayor’s salary and police officers pay classification will change after years of employment, they are awarded a longevity bonus. (SEE VIDEO)
The Council unanimously approved the 911 Agreement with a Motion by Rose Lester, and 2nd by Coty Roe. Mayor Slone said, “I would say the simplest way to explain the 911 situation is this: ‘There was an old inter local agreement between city and county that had expired. The agreement had become outdated and needed changes. One example was the agreement called for the Mayor of Blaine to be on the board which doesn’t exist. So, The city and county are working together to approve and update an expired inter local agreement which implements a 911 board of directors to be involved in some of the governance of the 911 center. All revenues and expenditures as well as day to day management of the center remains under the direction of the county. This is more of a housekeeping matter to update and renew the inter-local agreement between the two agencies, and assures input from all agencies in the county.” (SEE VIDEO)
1. Call to Order
Old Business
2. Approve Minutes for December 12, 2023 – Motion by Joey McClanahan 2nd by Keith Chaffin. None Opposed.
New Business
3. Approve Agreement for Health Insurance – Motion by Rose Lester 2nd by Caleb Farley. None Opposed.
4. Approve First Reading of Ordinance 15-02-3A. “Amendment to Ordinance Regulating the Application for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages and Establishing Licenses and Fees” – Motion by Caleb Farley 2nd by Joey McClanahan. None Opposed. Roll Call.
5. Approve First Reading of Ordinance 2023-02A – “Amendment to Ordinance Relating to Compensation of City Employees Pursuant to KRS 83A.070″ – Motion by Rose Lester 2nd by Keith Chaffin. None Opposed. Roll Call.
6. Approve 911 Agreement – Motion by Rose Lester 2nd by Coty Roe. None Opposed.
7. Audience Comments – None
8. Council Comments – None
9. Executive Session – Louisa City Attorney Eldred E. (Bud) Adams said, ‘Possibility of Property Acquisition. No Action at this time”
10. Adjourn – Motion by Coty Roe 2nd by Rose Lester.
The next City of Louisa Regular Scheduled Monthly Meeting will be on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 6PM at Louisa City Hall, 215 N. Main Cross Street, Louisa, Kentucky 41230. The Public is welcome to attend.