WAYNE, WV — This year The Wayne County Board of Education along with The Wayne County Sherriff Department signed a contract to place a Police Prevention Resource Officer at all 3 high schools, Tolsia High School, Wayne High School and Spring Valley High School.
There will be three full time officers hired for these positions by The Wayne County Sheriff Department. The officers will also make visits to the Pre-K, Elementary and middle schools periodically. Hoping this opportunity will shine a positive light that kids can trust officers and build better relationships.
Superintendent Todd Alexander said “We had communicated that this was a priority for us. In today’s day and age, with stories seen across the country, it has become adamant that we take into account safety across all the buildings in Wayne County”.
The Board of Education and Wayne County Sheriff Department hopes this will provide an extra measure of security and safety. The School Prevention Resource Officer will also be able to assist on the spot help with emergency situations until the first responders can arrive and help handle any juvenile problems.
Fort Gay Mayor, Mrs. Joetta Hatfield, who is also a teacher, commented, “I’m very pleased we will be getting an officer at Tolsia High School. I think every school should have an officer and hope to see that soon. When it comes to the safety of our Wayne County students and staff I’m all about it. As an employee of almost 30 years, I’m looking forward to another safe and successful year in the Wayne County School System”.
This is awesome! We always see bad things happening at other school around the US & this makes me feel like my kids are in better hands, safer. You never think anything bad is going to happen in your area or to ur kids/family or friends but it can! I’m so thankful for this.