VFW and American Legion Veterans to be honored with a Luncheon on Veterans Day
The Louisa Chapter DAR met for the monthly meeting on October 22, 2019 in the Cafe of the Louisa First Baptist Church. The meeting was called to order by Regent Lynn Courtney and the DAR rituals were followed by members.
Guest speaker was Ann Perkins, Executive Director of Safe Harbor of Northeast Kentucky, gave a wonderful presentation. She spoke about the prevalence and prevention of domestic violence and other services provided by Safe Harbor.
Lynn Courtney and Myrtle Walker, DAR School Chairperson, delivered around 200 books and presented them to School Counselor, Susan Little, and Librarian. Stephanie Kirk at Blaine Elementary and Middle School. Rosie Pfost and Nadine Meek also worked on the project.
The books will be distributed to teachers or housed in the library. Blaine Kentucky students achieved academic excellence. According to recent state testing results. Blaine Middle School received a five-star rating and a ranking of 7th in the state.
To celebrate Veterans Day and to honor Louisa VFW and American Legion Post 89 Veteran of the Korean War. the DAR is providing an appreciation lunch on Veterans Day, Monday November 11th from 12:00 to 2:00 in the Cafe of the Louisa First Baptist Church. All Veterans are encouraged to attend.
The Louisa Chapter quilting/crafting group now has an official name being “The Piece Makers”. The first project will include a patriotic queen size quilt, aprons and throw pillows. They have received the quilting kit and are ready to begin. The next date to meet will be November 16th in the courthouse DAR meeting room on third floor. All members are encouraged to join this group and enjoy the fun!
The next regular meeting will be on Tuesday November 26th at 6:00 pm in the Cafe of the Louisa First Baptist Church.