Louisa City Council
Special Meeting
March 22, 2022–7:00pm
Call to order.
Old Business
Approve minutes for February 08, 2022
New Business
Municipal Road Aid Agreement for 2023.
Approve Tammy Gussler – Skaggs for Louisa Utility bank accounts.
Approve vehicle lease.
Council comments.
Audience comments.
Executive session.
The Louisa city council meeting for March 2022, which was a special meeting, due to the scheduled meeting on March 8 called off due to a lack of quota (not enough council members present), went fairly quickly, lasting around half an hour, of which 10 minutes was spent in a closed door executive session.
After opening Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and opening prayers by council member Tom Parsons, Mayor Harold Slone opened the meeting of the Louisa city council for March 22, in which Mayor Slone announced a couple things:
* Number one it had been a hard winter this season, Slone said, and when a hard winter happens, a lot of salt gets put on the roads which leads to bad roads throughout the city in the Spring. The mayor announced that the area asphalt blacktop plant had opened back up the previous week and that the city would soon begin by the end of the month with blacktopping repairs and pothole filling projects around the streets of the city.
* Number 2, Slone stated that the city now is on a 60 day countdown as of the evening of the meeting to get repairs done and fix up of the Louisa city Pool and the park area in town for the summer season when school is out and “we hope to have as much as possible done by the latter part of May”.
* In regards to old business, the city council passed the minutes of the February 8, 2022 City Council meeting.
* In action on the Municipal Road Aid Agreement for 2023: The city will receive 3% of the state road collections to a state fund that will pay the county’s portion of last year’s taxes into a statewide fund that is redistributed to the city in increments during the coming year. No amount was given but the vote was 4-0.
* The city Council voted unanimously to approve the hiring of Tammy Gussler-Skaggs as the new clerk in charge of Louisa Utility bank accounts; due the the previous clerk, who had held the position for a very long tenure, stepped down to start a position at a new private sector employment, which mayor Slone said surprised he and both the city clerk and assistant city clerk.
* In action on the approving of the new vehicle lease: Mayor Slone said he has run across a good deal for a new vehicle for the Water Dept. for emergency use. He told the council that the truck they have now is 20 years old and has more than 200,000 miles on it and the city is in the process of replacing it. But Slone said the deal he has with Enterprise, Inc. for a vehicle very comparable to the one he was going to order, is for much less money and can be delivered sooner than the other truck. Slone also recommended, and the council agreed, that the city should keep the older truck for a utility truck since it is worth more than the trade in value.
* After a 10 minute closed-door executive session which involved the ongoing proceedings for a potential real estate deal involving the city and private property sale; the city voted not to take any action for now involving the possible real estate acquisition.
With no other action needed to be taken care of at the city Council meeting just over a minute later the mayor and city council adjourned the meeting.