Louisa, Ky. — The start of baseball/softball season is always exciting but opening day for the Cal Ripken league in Louisa this year was really something to see. The weather was absolutely beautiful to kickoff the season. Not sure I have seen that many people at that ballpark in a long time.
Around 1,000 people visited Stella Moore on Saturday to watch 14 games on three different fields. The league also had free fun inflatables set up for the kids of all ages throughout the day.
Opening ceremonies began at 9:30 on Saturday morning at the Major League field as everyone gathered around along with teams from T-Ball, Minor League and Major League as Lawrence Co. Superintendent Dr. Robbie Fletcher led opening prayer, 3rd grader Evan Tackett recited the pledge of allegiance, Louisa East 5th grader Abby Nelson sang the national anthem, LC football head coach and LC basketball head coach Travis York tossed the ceremonial first pitches to get the season underway.
The league has around 350 kids from ages 4-15 on 29 different teams that are sponsored by local businesses. It has really grown the last three years.
T-Ball which ranges from 4-6 years old has 10 teams, Minor league baseball has 5 teams for 7-9 year olds, Major league baseball has 6 teams from 10-12 year olds, Minor league softball has 4 teams from 7-9 year olds and Major league softball has 4 teams from 9-12 year olds, 1 Babe Ruth team for kids 13-15 that will play teams from other leagues around the area.
Minor League Softball Scores
Cubs 9 Reds 1
Pirates 6 Orioles 5
Major League Softball
Cubs 14 Red Sox 6
Orioles 15 Reds 4
Minor League Baseball
Braves 5 Tigers 3
White Sox 6 Braves 5
Red Sox 7 Blue Jays 2
Major League Baseball
Reds 8 Tigers 4
Mets 11 Cardinals 9
Braves 6 Diamondbacks 4
League President Brad Derifield
“…What a great day and we couldn’t have asked for better weather, all the kids out here running around smiling is what it is about. This is my third year and this is the most we have ever signed up, it is really growing, the volunteers from my first year until now is the biggest difference, the parents have really stepped up. We have upgraded our facilities each year to make it look good, a lot of hard work and we are not done yet.” It’s all about the kids and it always will be.”