April 19, 2018
Lawrence County Fiscal Court 4/17/18
The Lawrence Co Fiscal Court met for the regular meeting Tuesday morning at the old Lawrence Co. Courthouse and they weren’t fooling around.
The 10:00 am meeting lasted eight minutes.
One local political wag said the court won’t do anything that would slightly affect their chances in the Primary. All four magistrates and Judge/Exec. Osborn are up for election in six weeks, and all have opposition. In fact Magistrate Earl Boggs, a veteran politician from the Blaine area is challenging for the judge/exec. position in the Republican Primary.
Those in attendance were Judge John Osborne, Magistrate Rick Blackburn, Magistrate Earl Boggs, Magistrate John Lemaster, Magistrate Morris Howard, Sheriff Garett Roberts and County Attorney Mike Hogan.
The meeting was exceptionally short:
* Approved minutes from March 27 Regular meeting. Motion by Morris Howard, second by John Lemaster
* Approved 2nd reading of Budget amendment # 5
* Approved Treasurer’s Request, motion by Rick Blackburn, second by John Lemaster
* Approved paying regular bills. Motion by Earl Boggs, second by Rick Blackburn
* Adopted a resolution of the County of Lawrence Ky. authorizing Judge Osborn to make application for and upon approval enter into an agreement with the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security
* Approved lease between Eastern Ky Concentrated Employment Program (Teleworks) and Law Co. Fiscal Court
* Approved April 29 to May 6 2018 as Soil and Water Stewardship Week
There were no public comments.
The meeting was then adjourned.