Lawrence Co Fiscal Court 7/18/2017
The Lawrence Co. Fiscal Court met for the regular monthly meeting Tuesday July 18, 2017. The meeting was called to order after the opening prayer and pledge.
Those in attendance were Judge John Osborne, Rick Blackburn Magistrate, Earl Boggs Magistrate, John J. Lemaster Magistrate, Morris Howard Magistrate, Sheriff Garrett Roberts, Clerk Chris Jobe and County Attorney Michael Hogan.
The following items on the agenda were approved unanimously.
* Motion by Morris Howard, second by John Lemaster to approve the minutes from the June 21, 2017 meeting
* Motion by John Lemaster, second by Rick Blackburn to accept the treasurer’s settlement
* Motion by Earl Boggs, second by Rick Blackburn to approve monthly bills
* Motion by Rick Blackburn, second by John Lemaster to approve the treasurer’s request and report
* Motion by John Lemaster, second by Rick Blackburn to authorize the Clerk to advertise for bids on the Homeland Security Grant for E-911
* Motion by Earl Boggs, second by Morris Howard to approve the resolution and agreement between Lawrence Co. and the Ky. Transportation Cabinet for $179,126.00 for CB06 Rural Secondary Fund (Flex Money)
* Motion by Morris Howard, second by Earl Boggs to appoint Kimberly Burchett, Jessie Wellman and Bradley Stark named to the Lawrence Co. Public Library board of trustees. (The names were reported incorrectly when this article came out Tuesday afternoon, we do not know why we were given the wrong names, but we apologize to the Library board for the problem.)
* Motion by John Lemaster, second by Rick Blackburn to approve a donation of $1,000 to the Lawrence Co. Fair (no change from last year)
* The discussion on the lease agreement between the LC Fiscal Court and New Energy Resources LLC was tabled until more information was available.
* Motion by John Lemaster, second by Earl Boggs to approve HB 303 MOA and Resolution for 39CS-2017 between KIA and LC Fiscal Court for waterline projects for Redbranch and Reuben.
* Motion by Rick Blackburn, second by Earl Boggs to approve the updated Resolution for Blaine Fire Dept. CDBG Grant Funds – The County of Lawrence Ky has agreed to apply for funding from CDBG to be used for the demolition and removal of the current fire station, located in the Martha area, and the construction of a new fire station on the same property.
There was no public comment.
County Attorney Michael Hogan then asked the Court for permission to go into executive session to discuss possible litigation. The Court approved and on return to Regular Session granted permission to seek and file litigation regarding Pinehill Cemetary.
Hogan explained the Pinehill situation and lawsuit in a message to The
“…They buried body in wrong grave. The family who got buried won’t sign release for re-internment at Young’s because they owe like $4,500 on the bill. The family whose grave the person was accidentally buried in has been very understanding but is getting anxious as they need both adjacent plots for both mom and dad. Since we are at a Mexican Standoff the fiscal court authorized me to file suit to get an Order re-burying the body in proper grave. Young’s and the County are going to pay the costs.”
The meeting was then adjourned.